17 3 2

It's now dark at the park when they woke up. It's been hours since they fell asleep but the comfort is always there...they feel safe within each other arms.

Both of them are looking in the stars, it's so silent that the beat of their hearts can be heard. It's silent but not awkward.

It's good for them to be alone with each other, it's good for them to be happy without talking, just feeling each other, the air they breathe at the same time, the time they spend on this comforting silence... it's everything they need.

"Jisung... it's time for you to know..." Chenle breaks the silence between them and sat on the floor. Jisung followed and face the older.

"What is it Lele?" Jisung couldn't feel anything else, he feels something is wrong with them. "Jisung, it's time for you to wake up" Chenle said and started crying, what happen?

"Why are you crying lele?, And what do you mean wake up, I'm here in front of you Chenle, Am I dreaming?" He said caressing Chenle's pinkish cheeks "No Jisung, please. Don't be like that. It's really time for you to forget me and live again in reality" Chenle said, crying even harder

No, no please don't take him away from me. Don't take Chenle away from me, he's all that I've got!

Chenle is holding Jisung's hands in his cheeks and feeling his warmth. "You're in a coma Jisung. I'm just in your dreams. You need to wake up" he said crying.

"C-coma? What are you saying Chenle that' is nonsense! Let's just go home, okay?! We'll get through this" He said, then it hit him.

It hit him like a bullet straight to his heart.

"The voice that you've been hearing from your dreams isn't a dream, that's your family calling you, Jisung...they want you back already. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner I'm sorry but you need to let us go! It's the only way you can survive"

He bow realizes everything that had happened. But he can't believe what he just said. "No, you're real right Chenle? Please tell me you'll be by my side once I wake up! Please tell me we'll be together once this is all done!" He begs for an answer

"Jisung... Please don't do that, I can't face you if you're like that. It's hard for me to do this but this is the only way for you out!"  Chenle holding jisung's hand tighter. "I love you jisung, that's why i want you to live your life. Again. Your family is waiting for you" Chenle said trying to avoid Jisung's breaking heart he knows he'll never be able to let him go if he begs him one more time.

Jisung hugs him, "No, no I don't want a way out of here! I just want you and us to be together Chenle! Please!" He cry himself out like a kid, bursting to tears while Chenle is trying to let himself go from his grip. "Look at me Ji..." he said putting his forehead into Jisung's.

"I love you, and I'll always do, just let go. It's time Ji, it's time." He said looking at his eyes. He couldn't bear seeing the younger cry at his sleep. He knows it well.

He knows that it will be hard for him to let go from the start, but he chose to let him go. It's for the best. For the both of them, for Jisung. 

"What about you? I love you too Chenle! I want to be with you!" Jisung cries as he beg for Chenle not to let him go. "It'll be alright, let's see each other again next time Jisung ok? You need to wake up." Chenle tried his best to smile, trying to pull himself together.

He didn't knew this would be so hard for him too. He didn't know he would love the taller male more than himself, he didn't sign up for this, but he loves him already.. there's no way out for them. They are inlove with each other.

"Let's just end this here Jisung, it will be hard for me to let you go if we are going to do this for long, I can't see you crying again in your sleep" He said standing up. "Close your eyes Jisung, you'll wake up once you open your eyes"

"I love you Jisung, until next time" he smiled and kissed Jisung's lips.

It's hard for them, it was never an easy thing to let of someone you truely adore and love, but what should they do? They'll just keep on hurting each other if they keep on living like this, Chenle feeling guilty everytime he see Jisung cry and Jisung feeling that Chenle is the only thing he need when he knows there's something more out there that was waiting for him...the reality.

Jisung closes his eyes. "I love you too Chenle" still crying. He wants to be with Chenle but he'll do whatever the older wants him to do. And that is to come back to life.

"Good bye, love" That was the last word he heard from Chenle until he heard a very loud noice coming somewhere.

"He's awake he's awake! Jisung is awake!" He opened his eyes and saw the doctors checking him up.

"Leave me alone I'm fine." It was 3 years since he was rushed here and declared to be in a coma. The doctors finally let him after checking him up, he was trying so hard not to cry but as soon as the door closed shut, he couldn't help it. He started sobbing while thinking about the things they did...the things Chenle did that made him fall inlove.

"Chenle....i love you too, so much" he whispered. He cries himself in the room.

It's now gonna be hard for him, he shouldn't let Chenle go, he should've stayed at Chenle's side.

"Chenle, i miss you" the 19 year old now Jisung can't believe it's been 3 years, it feels like 1 week. He saw chenle when he was 16 years old. He didn't know it would be this fast, the love he felt is still with him, it's comforting and heart breaking at the same time.

He's the only one he have right now.

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