Headcanon 6: Tommyinnit

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Tommy was very quiet when he was a kid.sure,he'd had Phil (who always tried to talk to him),and techno(who,not suprisingly,didn't try),but it wasn't the same.phil was his dad,and techno was reclusive,so he didn't talk much.then along came wilbur,and Tommy (though wasn't talkative at first) began to talk more.

Tommy watched wilbur sleep.that's it,really.he just watched from wilbur's closet door.it was easy to get to wilbur's and into his closet becaus etommy had found a secret passageway from his closet to wilbur's.it's how he managed to steal most of wilbur's stuff.

Tommy would never leave wilbur's closet unless wilbur was wide awake.he'd never leave otherwise.

Phil and techno had once walked into the room to wake wilbur up(so he could get Tommy up,or he wouldn't listen),and saw Tommy just staring at wilbur's sleeping form.

Tommy pretended to be asleep,he never actually slept.if he did,he would wake up and be horrible to everyone,even wilbur.so he just faked sleep(Tommy didn't get tired,either)and then sneak into wilbur's closet.

Tommy is actually very skilled in fighting and creating things.he just doesn't show it,as being weak means people leave him alone more(well,he'd hoped they would.of course,they wouldn't.still,Tommy didn't use his skill.he hadn't used his skills for a good while,and therefore thought it would be mean of him to use them now).

Tommy is very possessive,and gets very jealous easily.if,for example,you're his friend but you talk to a different person for a minute or two,if you turn back around Tommy would most likely be huffing and stating you betrayed him.

Tommy's biological parents (A/N:not irl,would like to clarify that)were terrible,and really let him do whatever.which is why he doesn't have to much common sense,or knowledge on much.

Tommy is actually pretty smart when it comes down to things like running businesses,and knowing what wide amounts of audiences enjoy and the like(which is why he would've been a great president and why he was a great vice-president).

Tommy doesn't show it off,but he has devil horns and a tail from when he spoke to the devil(he totally did not give his soul to become the devil's son,nor does the devil favourite Tommy,nope).

Tommy occasionally has hallucinations where he has therapy sessions.these hallucinations aren't bad,and he's never had bad ones,it's helped Tommy through lot of tough decisions and trauma.

{A/N:that's all I have for now,I'm gonna go watch layers of fear or portal now,bye!}

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