Chapter Twelve

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Me: Okay guys! Suzy just got something new to wear and she wants to show it to you.

All nine of the Kiss guys: Okay!

(*A few minutes later, Suzy comes out of the bedroom and she was wearing a two piece custom-made Kiss bikini, the colors were black and orange and it had Eric Carr's Fox makeup at the area where her breasts were*)

Eric Singer: Where did you get that bathing suit?

Suzy: It's a custom-made Kiss bikini, I just found it online.

Ace: Whoo...she's smokin' hot!

(*At that moment, Eric Carr the Fox came inside after taking a nap in fox den that he has made for him and his vixen Suzy*)

(*And when he saw that the others, except  for Vinnie Vincent, were flirting and wolf-whistling at Suzy, he wasn't too happy about it*)

Paul: Oh hi Fox!

Ace: W-why do you look so mad all of a sudden?

Eric Carr: *quickly switches to his animal form* (Yips angrily) SHE IS MINE! ALL MINE!

Gene: *backs away from the Fox* Um...I think we start running.

Paul: We're sorry buddy! It was nothing major!

Eric Carr: *growls and bares his fox teeth* I DON'T CARE! ERIC IS VERY MAD AT YOU RIGHT NOW!

Me: *looks around for Vinnie*

Vinnie: *switches to his animal form* *lifts his snake up and spreads his cobra hood in as a warning for Fox to not do anything stupid* (Hiss) (Hiss!)

Me: E-Eric...please don't—OWW! He bit me!

Paul: RUN!

(*All the Kiss guys make a run for their bedrooms, but poor Vinnie wasn't fast enough*)

Eric Carr: *grabs Vinnie the Egyptian banded cobra in his mouth*

Vinnie: *hisses and then opens up his large fangs and bites the Fox's leg*

Eric Carr: *whimpers and lets Vinnie go and then limps back to the fox den*

Vinnie: *Hisses angrily* (I warned you!) *then slithers away to go and find his mate*

(*Two hours later...*)

Tommy: *slowly opens his bedroom door to check to see if it's safe*

Paul: *sends a message through the eye* "I think the coast is clear..."

(*Meanwhile, with Suzy and the Fox...*)

Eric Carr: *whimpers and cries out in pain*

(*Suzy injects some anti-venom into the Fox's snake bite wound using a syringe needle*)

Suzy:'s okay my foxy. It'll be all over soon. *cleans the wound with a cotton ball and then wraps a white bandage around the fox's injured leg*

Paul: How you feeling, buddy?

Eric Carr: *whimpers* (It hurts a lot)

Me: Vinnie attacked him after Eric Carr bit my hand. He has to wear a bandage for a whole week.

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