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Caroline stood eyes gleaming at the inferno inside the fire place of the Salvator brothers home. "How come I get stuck with enzo while you two have each other?" Caroline questioned Elena and Damon.

Elena sighed because she had explained the plan multiple times. "Because everyone else has their individual jobs and we need you to keep an eye on Enzo and make sure he plays his part"

"Well I just dont find it fair that I'm stuck 'Enzo' sitting" Caroline scowled. "I mean like why cant Damon watch him" She flung her hand as a gesture towards him.

"As much as I'd love to watch him I can't because I've got one of the most important roles and nothing can distract me" Damon put his hands on his hips.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you had your hero hair strapped on today" Caroline teased as she slumped back onto a leather chair. Elena let out a  laugh, "She's right, your hair is extra heroy today." The girls laughed.

"Now if we're talking about who has hero hair im sure you arn't taking about me" Enzo stood leaning at the door frame.

"Well if it isnt the devil itself?" Damon said turning to Enzo, they both shared a smug look.

"Come on guys why are you acting as if I'm a child, I dont need to be watched all the time" Enzo rolled his eyes.

"Why were you eavsesdropping anyway?" Caroline let her head rest back on the leather.

"I wasn't eavesdropping, if you haven't noticed I am a vampire, you know super sonic hearing and all" Enzo snapped. "Besides stop acting like a saint blondie, like you haven't eavesdropped on me before"

Damon and Elena both shared an awkward look. "Oh please, you wish I eavesdropped on you" Caroline huffed. "Why would I anyway? I'm not remotely interested"

"Now, now georgeous no need to get all worked out about it" Enzo said calmly while walking to pour himself a Bourbon.

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