(rq) Constellation [ Wonchan ]

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Wonwoo vividly remembers the day that he moved into his neighborhood.

A little boy and his mom came up to his door, and his parents answered it.

"Hello! We're your neighbors from next door," they introduced themselves, and despite Wonwoo's shy and antisocial attitude when he was ten years old, something about the little boy behind his parents made him want to stay.

From then on, he remembers how he would meet up with the little boy, Chan, at the nearby playground and ride on the swings all day. Swinging back and forth without a care. They were inseparable.


Middle school was difficult for them. Their three-year age gap proved to be inconvenient between grades. When Chan entered middle school, Wonwoo already had to go to high school.

Wonwoo remembers Chan coming to his house often, whining about his schoolmates and how they didn't like him. Needless to say, Wonwoo set them in their places, and they never bothered Chan ever again.

"You're the best, Wonwoo hyung!"

Wonwoo didn't know that three words would affect him so much.

"Wow, how cliche is it to fall in love with your childhood best friend?" Wonwoo though as he clutches his racing heart through the fabric of his sweater.


Chan joins him on the journey of high school after what seemed like years of being apart (despite them meeting up after school and walking home together every day). Once again, they were inseparable and his friends noticed the shift that Chan made in the older.

"Chan, right? Wonwoo talks about you all the time," Jihoon says to Chan in a teasing manner, side-eyeing Wonwoo as he did so.

Wonwoo only scoffs, placing a hand on Chan's shoulder, who laughs the weird interaction off.

"Mhm, I'm Lee Chan!"

"Aw, he's so cute! How did Wonwoo score a guy like you?"

"If you don't shut up, Soonyoung."

Jun quirks his eyebrow, a smirk appearing on his face. "Oh? Wonwoo getting riled up? Man, he really likes you, Chan-ah!" he nudges Chan fondly as if they'd known each other for years. Chan smiles brightly, already feeling settled in for high school.

"Of course! Hyung is my best friend!" Chan cheers, nuzzling himself farther into Wonwoo's side.

His friends send him funny stares after that friend zone, causing Wonwoo to sigh in defeat.

This was going to be a long year.

"You guys have a safe walk home!" Soonyoung yells from across the school gates.

"Yes! Don't worry about us!" Wonwoo yells back, about done with the tiger boy's antics.

"Ah! Chan, don't forget to consider the dance club!"

"Yes, Soonyoung hyung!"

There's a bit of comfortable silence as they walk home, hand in hand. They've always held hands like this since they were kids.

Chan used to be quite curious, so Wonwoo was basically required to drag little Channie everywhere. But even after all these years, Wonwoo has never let go, always grabbing the younger's hand as they cross the streets and such.

Chan starts humming a sweet tune as they walk, the night sky beginning to overtake the sunlight as they walk.

"Hyung! Do you know what that constellation is?" he asks naively, causing Wonwoo to smile fondly.

"No, Dino. I don't."

"Then it's our constellation!"

Wonwoo only stares back with a confused expression that doesn't go unnoticed by Chan, who grins prettily.

"I'm claiming it! I'm naming it the Wonchan constellation."

"But how will you remember it? You silly kid."

"Ah, hyung! Of course, I'll remember it! You don't trust me at all."

"Oh, really? Then point it out tomorrow while we're walking home, then I'll believe you."


What Wonwoo didn't expect was for Chan to attempt pointing out the constellation almost every day until it couldn't be seen in the sky anymore. It was endearing, really. Seeing how passionate Chan was about a bunch of fireballs in the sky. And he would clap along, pretending that he also knew which constellation was 'theirs' to make Chan happy.

"How do you keep finding it anyway?" He asks one night.

Chan doesn't look back at him, only staring up at the sky, starry-eyed. "Well, it looks like a frowny face."

"What? You made our constellation a sad one?"

"Don't you dare make me change it, Jeon Wonwoo!"

"I could never!"

Especially seeing how happy it makes you, Chan.


Now, they're on the swings again, except the playground is much too old for anyone to actually enjoy now. They swing back and forth as they used to on the same rusty swing, careless as ever.

Wonwoo grabs Chan's hand from across their swings, bringing it up to his lips for a kiss.

The younger laughs, giving him a strange yet loving look.

"What was that for?"

"Just thinking back on the past."

"Ahh, that's why you stayed so quiet...."

There's a beat of silence as they stare up into the dark sky, only illuminated by the moon.

"Oh, look! It's Wonchan coming around again!" Chan says, pointing up at the sky.

"You know, I could never see what you meant by a frowny face. It doesn't look like anything to me."

Chan huffs, swinging their intertwined hands playfully.

"It's alright. As long as you're here, I can see it."

"Ugh, you're so cheesy."

"Says the one who kissed my hand like a prince in shining armor after his daydreaming session!"

Before the younger could say anything else, Wonwoo launches himself toward Chan, pressing their lips together for a quick kiss.

Pulling away, he could see how red Chan's face had gotten, and he can only laugh wholeheartedly at the bewildered expression Chan had on his face, a red shade blossoming on his cheeks.

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