Ghost [ Junchan ]

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For as long as Chan could remember, he's been able to see ghosts. Spirits of people who have passed on but not quite peacefully.

They're miserable creatures. Stuck in a realm between spiritual and real life. Chan tries to comfort all of them during their moments of acceptance and grieving, but it's hard when they have no physical body, a shell of what they used to be.

Chan met Junhui by chance on the roof of his middle school during sixth grade. Little twelve-year-old Chan didn't know how to deal with spirits as well as he does now, but he still approached the older man who swung his legs, dangling from the fence edge.

"Hello! My name is Lee Chan! What are you doing there?"

The stranger suddenly stops his daydreaming, a shocked expression on his face as he turns around to stare at Chan.

" can see me...?" the other asks hesitantly, although it comes off as more of a statement, his tone laced with hope.

Chan nods, grabbing between the wire of the fence. "Come down, won't you?" he asks softly. He doesn't know what made Jun different from all the other ghosts he's met, but he wanted to connect with him, become friends, perhaps.

The spirit hops down from where he was perched up upon, scanning Chan inquisitively. "But you're human, right?"

Jun grabs his jaw, maneuvering his face so he can see it better. "Yes, I'm human...," Chan whispers, just enough for the other to hear. No ghost had touched him before. Junhui's hand was ice cold against Chan's cheeks.

The spirit eventually lets go, standing up straight to show his height against Chan's short stature. "He's handsome," Chan thinks as he gets a good look at the other. The little moles above Jun's lips really stuck out to him at that moment.

"I'm sorry, that was intrusive," Jun notes with indifference in his eyes. He pats his jeans as if they were dirty and looks down at Chan again, although he doesn't make eye contact. "Why are you talking to me? You're not going to chastise me or something, are you?"

At that comment, Chan only profusely shakes his head. "N-No! I just...," he trails off, not sure what to say, "you seemed lonely. I wanted to accompany you."

The other lets out a breathy laugh, his head flinging back in his happy outburst. "You? Accompanying me? Kid, you're here for school, not to talk to old ghosts."

But Chan ignores him. "What's your name, sir?"

"Wen Junhui," the older now confirms, a wide smile on his face. He crouches down next to little Chan, so they meet eye to eye, ruffling his hair fondly.

"You seem lonely too, Chan." he inquires, looking at the younger with a gaze as sweet as honey. "Let's accompany each other."


Jun walks with Chan everywhere. If Chan was there, Jun was too.

They hold hands as Chan walks home, away from the judging glances of Chan's classmates.

"That's the kid who talks to himself. They say that he can see ghosts!"

"That's insane! What a freak."

If Chan was, to be honest, the things his classmates said did affect him, but Jun always told him not to.

"They're only trying to get under your skin," Jun would say, after playing cruel tricks on Chan's bullies to put them in their places (also known as haunting).

The older was always there to comfort Chan when things got too rough, singing him lullabies to lull him to sleep. Chan likes Junhui's singing voice a lot. Usually, movies portray ghosts singing to be creepy, but when Jun sings, it feels like a warm, cozy blanket with a side of hot chocolate.

Jun would even help Chan study, despite himself hating school and not being that good at paying attention either.

Chan's mother—who can also see apparitions—seems to like Junhui a lot as well. They have warm talks over breakfast when Chan's still sleeping early in the morning. They have a lot in common.

One morning, Junhui notices that Chan's mother looks a little more gloomy than usual, stirring his coffee around with an unreadable expression on her face. They sit in silence for a while before she sighs.

"Chan's a clumsy, naive kid—I'm sure you know that, Junhui." she starts, leaving Jun on high alert. "When I'm gone, please, Junhui, please look after him for me."

Junhui stops his train of thought, looking at the weary women with worry in his eyes. "Ms. Lee, what are you saying? You're not going anywhere...Not anytime soon anyway."

She smiles, a remorseful look in her eyes as if she knew something he didn't. "Please just promise me this, Junhui. I know I'm not going anywhere, you silly boy."

At that, Jun merely rolls his eyes, "Please, I'm much older than you, Ms. Lee. I'm just stuck in the body of a twenty-year-old."

However, he lets out a soft snicker, running his fingers through his hair with a shy glance. "Of course I'll take care of Channie, though. You don't have to worry about a thing."

Junhui reminisces about how peaceful and bubbly Chan is all the time; it makes him so nostalgic. The younger reminds him of someone he used to know. "He's little brother," he comments.

Ms. Lee smiles brightly once again, "Thank you, Jun."

And as Junhui's about to answer, Chan walks out of his bedroom. "What are you guys talking about?" Chan asks, tiredly, still in his pajamas as he comes to sit on Junhui's lap. Jun accepts him, pulling him into a more comfortable position.

"Hm, we were just talking about you," Chan's mom teases, to which Chan lights up immediately.

"What were you guys saying?"

"Oh, maybe about how you're failing math?"

"Ugh, Mommmm, Jun hyunggg," he whines, melting farther into Jun's grasp. The older only laughs, wrapping his arms around Chan's waist.

Don't worry, Ms. Lee. I'll take care of Channie.

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