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Disclaimer: This chapter contains 18+ material

You lower yourself to your knees in front of Remus, but this time you get his pants unzipped and his cock out without interruption.

He lets out a groan as you drag your tongue along the side of his shaft, because while you're eager to put your mouth on him, you also can't resist teasing him a little first.

"Y/N-" He tries to speak, but whatever he was about to say gets interrupted by an involuntary moan as you circle his tip with your tongue. You pull back, looking up at him from under your eyelashes, your hand still stroking the base of his shaft.

"What was that?" you ask.

He looks down at you, that glossy, lust-filled look in his eyes that you adore.

"I, uh, don't know," he admits, "I-"

But you cut him off again by putting your mouth on him, taking him as deep as possible until you gag. His fingers thread in the hair on the back of your head, gripping tightly as you start to move your head, pressing your tongue flat against the side of his cock.

"Just like that, Y/N," he groans under his breath, "Fuck."

You go a little slow to purposefully tease him, but he soon takes matters into his own hands. He grips the back of your head, moving his own hips in rhythm with your mouth, but before long, you allow him to take over fully, and you hear his pants from above as he thrusts into your mouth, leaving you gagging and tears sliding down your cheeks, but you love the feeling. You love hearing him gasp your name and little praises as he throat fucks you, leaving you squeezing your own thighs together tightly, desperate for your own release.

After a little while longer, you feel him start to throb in your mouth, and when his hand tightens even further in your hair, you prepare yourself. After one last thrust of his own, he finishes in your mouth with a quiet, choked moan, and you swallow as much as you can. You sit back on your heels, wiping your mouth with the back of one hand, and after hastily pulling his pants back up, Remus kneels in front of you, wiping your tears away and kissing your forehead gently.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asks, "I may have gotten a little carried away. You just feel so damn good."

You shake your head, letting your eyes flutter shut as he kisses your cheeks, and then your forehead once more.

"No, not at all," you assure him, opening your eyes once he pulls back, "That was fun."

He glances down at your lap, at your thighs, which you're still squeezing together, your own pulsing desire beyond distracting, and the corner of his mouth quirks up, knowing exactly what you're feeling.

Remus leans in to kiss you, and as his lips move against yours, hungry and full of intention, you feel his hands slide up your thighs and around to your ass. You let out a small noise of surprise against his lips as he hoists you up, and next thing you know your legs are hooked around his waist and he's carrying you across the room.

"Shit," he swears, just as he sets you down on the desk - the same desk that you sat on earlier when you were giving Bill the tour. You decide it's for the best if nobody else knows all the places in this house that you and Remus have done things.

"What?" you ask, just as he kneels down in front of you, grabbing your legs and pulling you to the edge of the desk. You start unbutton your pants, lifting your hips off the desk to pull them off, along with your panties, and Remus helps you get them the rest of the way off.

"I stubbed my toe," he answers, shoving the chair aside so that he has better access as you spread your legs for him, and you start to laugh, though your laugh is quickly cut short as he doesn't hesitate to drag his tongue up your center.

"Remus," you moan, your fingers wrapping in his hair as he brushes his lips against the most sensitive spots of your inner thighs. You tilt your head back against the wall, bucking your hips forward, desperate for his tongue again, but then you come to a realization, and say, more firmly this time, "Remus."

He looks up immediately, his hair sticking up in every which way. "Yeah?"

"Did you cast a Silencing charm? Because I definitely didn't."

Remus thinks for a minute before shaking his head. "Nope. I wasn't too loud, though, was I?"

"No," you confirm, "But we should probably do that now. I think we'll be in big trouble with Molly if anyone hears me moaning up here on the Weasleys' first day being here."

But Remus just smirks up at you. "Looks like you'll have to be quiet, then, darling."

Well, at least you locked the door.

And less than five seconds later, he has his tongue back between your legs, and you cover your mouth with your hand, your chest rising and falling heavily as you try to contain any sounds, which proves to be incredibly difficult, because Remus seems determined to make this as difficult as possible for you. He starts to suck on your clit, and a moment later of you squirming against his mouth, you feel him push a finger inside of you, pumping and curling steadily.

"Fuck," you hiss, as quietly as possible, moving your hips in time against his tongue and finger, "Fuck, Remus-"

"Quiet down, love," he says, and the vibrations of his voice against you nearly send you over the edge.

You can't help but let out a few quiet moans, but Remus doesn't stop. He adds another finger, sucking and licking your clit at the same time until you reach your orgasm, pulsing around his fingers as you cover your mouth with your arm to hide any sounds.

And Remus, of course, just smirks before standing up, obviously pleased to see how hard he made being quiet for you.

You lower your arm from your mouth, just looking at his smug expression as you try to recover.

"We should probably get to cleaning," he says, finally rebuckling his belt from earlier, "Molly might ground us if we don't."

You laugh, finally sitting up, and Remus hands you your discarded clothing.

"I think if anything, we'll be separated," you say, stepping back into your panties and tugging them up, "Seeing as this is what happens when we're left alone together." Remus stands back, his eyes following your movements with a loving look in his eyes. You're happy to see it, especially after the stress and other, unreadable emotions that have been overtaking his expressions lately. Looks like your plan did some good, after all, even if it only lasts a little while.

You want to do something nice for him - a date night, maybe, out of this house, somewhere the two of you can be truly alone - especially since the full moon is approaching in just a few weeks. You know he'll start feeling its effects in a week or so, so you'll do anything to help him feel better, whether that's date nights or blowjobs in the attic.

Remus smiles. "This was all you," he teases, stepping forward once you're redressed, his hands finding your waist to pull you into him, "We weren't left alone. You invited me up here to be alone in front of a room full of people."

You laugh, wrapping your arms around him, knowing that he's right.

"Touché," you say, "I just can't get enough of you." You tilt your head back to look up at him, and a small smile plays on his lips as he gazes back at you. You wish you could stay here forever, actually, just safe in his arms. "I love you."

He smiles again, and you know that you'll never get sick of seeing that smile. He leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, letting his lips linger there for a moment afterwards.

"I love you, too," he murmurs, kissing your forehead once more before releasing you from his arms, both of you knowing that this tender moment has reached its end. "We should probably go save Sirius from Molly now."

You giggle, and Remus steps back, but extends his hand to you, inviting you to take it. You wrap your fingers around his, following him out of the attic and leaving the little bubble that had momentarily distracted both of you from all of the problems in your lives.

And little do you know, you haven't even faced the worst of them yet.

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