Chapter 2:Paralyzed

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Sho! Guys! How do y'all like it? Lol Noone is even reading it...oh well. I wrote half of this on the way back from Nashville today,it was cray cray lol. I'm really tired and we don't have school tomorrow well today because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day so yeah lol VOTE FAN COMMENT! Lol Pretty pretty please?! <3 Ifly,SummieBoo!(:

I felt the world slipping from my hands. I thought for sure I was dead. The last thing I heard was the sound of a horn.

You never really know how precious your life is before you think you are about to lose it. You never think about how much you have,whether it's what you want or not. We take so much for granted,and now I know that.


My eyes fluttered open and I seen a man standing in front of me.

I pushed myself up looking at him.

"Who are you?"I asked.

"I'm your doctor...You can call me Dr.Morris."He said.

"Okay,Dr.Morris...Where are my parents?"I asked.

"Well,Ms.Grey. I have some bad news for you."He said.

  “What? What’s wrong?! Where are my parents? I want to see them!” I said starting to worry.

I tried to get out of my bed but I failed miserably…oh no what’s wrong? Why can’t I move my  legs?

I scooted over and pushed myself to the edge of the bed,I used my hands  to move my legs to the side. I figured that because I hadn’t used my legs  in a while,that they were just asleep or something. My feet hit the cold floor and I pushed myself up. As soon as I stood,I fell to the cold hard floor.

“What’s happening to me?!”I asked.

The doctor rushed over to me,picked me up,and sat me back on the bed.

Dr.Morris sighed then said,”Skylar…you were on your way back from Tennessee with your parents. It had started raining. You were hit head on by a semi.”

I gulped then asked,”And what happened?”

“Your vehicle flipped and then slid backwards…you all blacked out. Your parents were crushed in the accident,we tried to save them,but it was too late.

“You mean to tell me…that my p-parents…are d-d-dead?”I asked cringing at the word.

“Yes,honey…I’m terribly sorry for your loss. We tried everything.”He said.

“Oh my gosh…then wh-what’s wrong with me?”I asked with tears streaming down my face.

“Well…this isn’t easy for me to tell you…”He said.

“Well? What is it?”I asked scared for my life.

“You…were extremely lucky…you survived the crash because you were in the very back of your vehicle.You did however,come out…”He paused.

“Paralyzed…?”I said starting to cry even more.

This meant no more baseball,no more soccer,no more swimming,no more walking…no more anything.

“I’m afraid so,but you will be glad to know that there is a small chance you will be able to walk,and run,and play sports again.”He said making me a bit happier.

“When can I leave?”I asked wiping the tears from my eyes.

“Well,your brother is here to pick you up. We just have to fill out some paper work then you can leave.”He said then left the room to go get Carson and fill out my paper work.

Seconds later,Carson came in the room.His face was tear stained and his eyes were red and puffy.

As soon as he seen me he came over and gave me a big hug.He started crying.

"Oh my gosh..I'm so glad you're okay!"He said.

"Well,I'm paralyzed,but same here."I said as we pulled away from the hug.

"Don't remind me..."He said wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"Carson...what are we going to do?"I asked.

"Well,first of all...we are moving."He said.

"What? Why? Where?"I asked.

"Well,I can't let you live on your own,I have to move to London to pursue my dreams,I don't want people giving us the pity party because of you,mom,and dad."He said.

"What?! We are moving to London?! I mean I'm excited,but I don't want to leave my friends!"I said.

"Well,I actually settled that out.Rain,Jaden,Abigail,and Hosanna are all moving with us."He said.

"First of all,how did you manage to get their parents to agree?"I asked.

"Well,it took A LOT of persuading,but I got them to allow it."He said.

"Okay...well here's my second question.How did you manage to get enough money for a house big enough to hold all of us?"I asked.

"Well,it was extremely exspensive,but we are actually living in a flat. One of the reasons it is so exspensive is because it is right next door to some boyband.Other Directions,or something."He said.

"One Direction?"I asked right as Dr.Morris came in with my release papers.

"You are free to go!"Dr.Morris said.

"Okay thankyou!"I said.

The doctor left the room,and Carson finally answered me.

"Yeah that's it!"He said,"You a fan?"

"Sort've."I said,"Now help me up,bro!"I said.

Carson helped me into my wheelchair.

Fortunately,I was only paralyzed from the waist down,so I can still ya know grab things and push myself around.

Carson rolled me out of the room after I had all my stuff.

The whole way out to his car,and back to my house,all I could think about was moving to London.

This should be good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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