The Call-Soapies 💢 Part 1?

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Tigger Warning

I don't know if I need one but here have one :D

Physical Abuse

Yelling If there are more pls let me know!


High school Au ( Non-Despair)


Let's mix it up and do some Angst :D I'm sorry

Did I post 3 times in one day? 

Yes yes I did! I had to much time on my hands.

3rd Pov

"BUT GRANDMOTHER!" Screamed Hiyoko at her grandma.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! YOU WILL HAVE A HUSBAND!" Snapped back her grandmother

A/n: She is dating Mahiru right now but her family doesn't know. Her Grandmother wants to get a husband for Hiyoko already-

"But Grandma-" Hiyoko was then cut off by her grandma.

"He is already coming. NOW SHUT UP BRAT!" Her grandmother then slapped her.

Hiyoko then ran upstairs crying. She wished Mahiru was here. She would understand. Hiyoko pulled out her phone and called Mahiru and told her the situation. Mahiru told that she could live with her and she was coming to her house as soon as possible. Hiyoko then hanged up because her grandmother startled her, from banging on her door. 


She was cut off by a knock on the door. Was Mahiru here already? (She must be the flash xd) Hiyoko's Grandmother yelled at her mother to get the door. 

Mahiru Pov

Is this Hiyoko's house? I knocked on the door twice. I heard someone yelling for Hiyoko's mother. I'm pretty sure that's Hiyoko's grandma. A woman who looked very similar to Hiyoko opened the door. 

"Hello? Who are you?" Said Hiyoko's mother.

"I'm Mahiru and I'm here for Hiyoko."

I feel like Mrs. Saionji understood what was happening and let me in. Hiyoko's grandmother then said, " Who is she and why did you let her in!"
"This is Mahiru one of Hiyoko's friends." Mrs. Saionji piped up.

"Oh." replied Hiyoko's grandmother. 

I went upstairs to find Hiyoko sitting on the floor crying. 

"Come on Hiyoko." 

Hiyoko's Pov

Huh. She actually came? 

"MAHIRU!" I yelled whispered. I hope my grandmother didn't hear. Mahiru sat down next to me. She wiped my tears and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Come on, let's go to my house." I packed my bags and me and Mahiru went to her house.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

The End!

I'm exhausted and this was really rushed! Once again if you have any request's let me know :D 

Should I make part 2?

Word count: (452) :D

I think my highest word count-

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