You had made your way back to the others. Knowing that you'd had been gone a while and would be questioned regarding Yoongis disappearance as well. You had no shame in the events. You were young and single plus he was a fucking god, Who would turn him down?

The loud music blared throughout the speakers as you made your way back to the lounge. Instantly the others turned their attention to the doors that opened revealing themselves. 9 pairs of eyes set upon your body as you walked back to the dance floor. The aura that radiated was one that your friends hadn't seen for a long time.

You sauntered back to Hobi and began swaying your hips to the beat of the music. Everyone resumed their activities that had halted as your presence returned to the group. You knew that your best friends would be asking questions later.

As the beat slowed down you began to sensually move to the rhythm. You hadn't realised that Hobi had been dancing as close to you until you had felt his large hands resting on your hips. His body emitted heat as he had just been inside a burning building.

With Hobi what you had learnt was that when he danced he DANCED!!!. There was no slight sway to him or silly hand movements. The man gave it his all and never seemed to tire. The amount of stamina he had lead you to think about how long he could last.

You seductively moved your hips feeling Hobi leading them as he danced mirroring your movements. The distance between them became smaller until you were pressing your back against him. He began to run his hands down the sides of your waist before spinning you around. "Be careful of your actions, if you don't want to start something you can't finish." He growled in your ear.

"Sunshine, we both know I'd be able to make you finish in a heartbeat," I whispered into his ear. The doors opened seeing Yoongi walk in with a flushed face quickly returning to our friends. The past events of the night flashing through your mind causing you to smirk. Hobi noticed my gaze flicker to Yoongi seeing the smirk on my face.

"Hmmm seems like you've already had some fun tonight," Hobi replied glancing between the two of us. "I had some but not enough." The mischievous glint in my eyes brought a large grin upon his face.

"I'm sure I can provide you with some entertainment for the evening. However, it seems that the rest of them also want your company and I've already had enough of your time but I'll be happy to occupy your time later." He chuckled winking at me.

"I'm sure something can be arranged and if that doesn't happen maybe we can have a dance session sometime just the two of us." I winked at him.
" I'd love that regardless of the outcome of tonight you skilled and I could help you improve your form." He replied.

I started to walk back to the table everyone stopped talking and looked at me. "What's up with you guys?" I asked them taking a seat next to Jungkook. I heard his sharp intake of air as our thighs made contact.

I could feel the guys jealousy and stares as I made contact with Jungkook brushing his body to reach over the table to grab a drink. "What times is everyone planning on leaving?" I questioned them all.

"We're gonna head off in about half an hour. I got called in tomorrow as cover." Hana replied to me. I nodded before turning my gaze to Y/B/F "I'm not coming home tonight." I said. "Hmmm, I wonder who booked you as their little slut for the night." Y/B/F looked at you with amusement on her face.

"Well there are multiple options," I grinned at her. She looked at me recognising the expression I was giving her " haha you little whore." She replied with a large grin gracing her features. "Well, when you guys head off I'll hop in your ride," Y/B/F said turning to the other girls who just nodded at her.

Jimin, Hobi and Tae decided to take a break and came back to the table where we all sat. "Okay, who's up for shots." I grinned at everyone shuffling out of the seats to go order more at the bar. " I'll go give her a hand " a chorus of voices echoed as 7 males stood up and tried to follow me to the bar.

The girls all looked at each other laughing at the males. All of them so desperate to spend more time with the female." It's okay I only need one person to help unless y'all wanna carry a tray each."
I giggled back scanning over the looks of sheer desperation as to who would help.

"I'll help." The eldest stood up declaring to the table as he moved to follow me to the bar. I started to walk before I felt a hand clutch my own and gently pull me to the corner that was out of view of the table. "So what's your secret weapon." a deep husky voice asked me. Raising my head to look up at the elder I quickly raised my brow.

"What do you mean ?" I asked genuinely interested in his question. "I mean how the hell did you walk in and make 7 males suddenly want to fuck you so hard and claim you as their own all in about 0.5 seconds." He leant down whispering in my ear.

I looked up at him raising my brow. " I mean, I have no idea. All I did was walk in. I promise you I'm not casting some shady witchcraft over you all." I replied shrugging my shoulders earning a chuckle.

" Are you sure because I'm pretty sure Jungkook nearly came undone just from a slight touch and the poor boy is rarely affected by women," he replied curiously studying me? Stepping closer to him I placed my palms on his chest. "See no flying sparks or weird lighting coming from my hands," I responded.

Turning around and leaning over I quickly called out the order to the bartender. "22 shots of tequila gold please." I turned back towards the handsome male who was staring awestruck at my lower region. I knew he had been checking my ass out as I had my back to him. "Thanks Jinnie they'll be ready in a few." I quickly reached onto my tiptoes kissing the corner of his plump lips before turning around and making my way back to the table.

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