Weakest Link

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"New Day, Wyatt Family, they can all go screw each-other for all I care!" Throwing his fist towards the wall, the other members of the League of Nations watched as their teammate was angered.

"Well you know what it looks like? Looks like you just let us down once again...!" Sheamus shouted back, trying to get to his teammate as he approached the king of the ring. Locking eyes with the irish wrestler, they wouldn't avert gazes as both were fuming after that ambush.
Del Rio moved to his side, pulling back Sheamus before he could do anymore as Barrett shook his head.

Clutching his fists, he felt a hand grasp his shoulder as Rusev came to his side.

"We will get our revenge, comrade. Our day will come soon." His words were meant encouraging, the Bulgarian had shown that he can dish out as much as he can take. The very same monster who fought the legendary John Cena at Wrestlemania 31, and destroyed so many wrestlers before the event.
But this wasn't the same monster, the bulgarian brute had lost his edge.

Barrett pushed his teammates hand away, a dull expression on the man's face as he turned away. He had lost everything, and now the king had been dethrone in so many ways that he couldn't take it anymore.

"Not soon enough." Barrett said, taking off his wrestling gloves and left the room. Rusev watched as the door to the locker rooms slam closed, before looking back to his teammates. Del Rio went to change out of his wrestling gear, as Sheamus threw his hands in the air annoyingly.

"Leave'm, if he wants to lose it just let him!" Moving to change himself, Sheamus left Rusev with many doubts. Looking back to the match, he could still remember watching it from the locker rooms with disappointment etched across his face. Barrett wasn't pulling his weight, Barrett was the weak link.
It was clear as day, seeing Barrett on the mat about to be pinned by Kofi Kingston.

Getting changed from his wrestling gear, Rusev shared glances with the other members as the door to the locker-room remained shut. As the League of Nations took to the exit together, Sheamus mumbled something as they headed out to the next arena.

"Your only as strong as your weakest link."


"-and I certainly don't care about talking to people like you, now get out of my face." With a piercing glare, the bearer of bad news had walked out on another interview. Barrett wasn't having any of it, especially after such a betrayal from his own teammates.

"The League of Nations can go screw themselves for all I care...!" Barrett shouted, walking away from the interviewers the cameras on him went out of sight. Turning a corner to the next hallway, Wade Barrett felt his cheek strain as he ran his hand across it.
His former-ally sure knew how to kick someone in the face.

But the bearer of bad news failed to notice the man in front of him, running right into the newcomer. Bumping into each other, the king caught himself before hitting the ground with a deafining thud.

Looking back at whoever was in front of him, Barrett's eyes shifted to confusion as he saw someone new. It wasn't one of the production staff, or any of the superstars from Raw, it was someone completely different.
A whole new superstar, at least from what he could see.

"Who the hell are you?" Barrett said, pulling himself back up as he got a better look at the man across from him. Wearing a large baggy singlet and ripped white pants, looking down, he even found the man was wearing black slip-on shoes. Barrett couldn't help but let out a laugh looking at the schmuck.

"And what the hell are you wearing? Are you some kind of monk?"

"After your most recent betrayal, I assumed humour would be beyond you." The man spoke in a cool, quiet voice, as Barrett's brows furrowed at the jab. Grabbing the young man by his robes, Wade's brown irises locked eyes with the others' red, bloodshot red, as Wade pulled him closer. Untying the bandages around his arm,

"Don't test me, boy. I can leave you on the ground a bloody mess." Barrett hissed, holding the monk-like man in place as the two continued to stare at each other. His expression was blank, eyes locked onto Barrett as the latter felt himself breathing.
Without a word, Oro slowly brought his hand up to Barretts.

"I apologise, but if you really think you can..." Nudging his hand forward, King Barrett felt an immense force send him flying back onto the cold floor. Clutching his stomach in pain, Barrett looked back up to find the wrestler picking up his bags.
Turning away, the young man faced his head to the side, locking one eye to Wade.

"Come prove it." Finally saying his piece, the young man fixed his singlet before walking out of frame. Left on the ground, and even more injured than before, Wade winced as medical staff came to treat his bruise. Barrett's eyes widened as his eyes travelled down to his stomach, seeing the red mark of a palm.

"What the hell...?"

Hey there, I see you've come across one of my latest stories. And a really weird one at that.

This new wrestler I've made up will tie the others together, but what is his goal?
Guess there's only one way to find out...

Now I've recently been binging so many wrestling videos, both WWE & AEW and it's rekindled my love for professional wrestling. Not just the matches itself, but the storyline's that came with it. So with my heart on my sleeve, I want to attempt something that hasn't been done in awhile.

So I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, and maybe you'll stick around for the next one?

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