Chapter Thirty-four - Sam

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I woke up wrapped and intertwined with Josh, I had forgotten how nice it felt to be wrapped up next to someone like this.

I had promised I was going to take it slower but as his hand touched me last night, I couldn't help myself, I longed for more but perhaps he wasn't ready, perhaps I wasn't ready.

I could see the daylight shining through the skylight in the roof, it must be time to get up, but I didn't want to.

I nuzzled into his chest as he lay on his back playfully licking his chest as he woke up, gosh I loved the taste of him.

"hey good morning" Josh stretched pulling me in tight

"good morning" I said kissing him not wanting to let go, the thoughts of last night returning and struggling to compose myself.

"I should get up and check were safe" I offered releasing Josh and getting out of bed, I could feel his eyes watching my naked body as I looked for my boxers

"your beautiful Sam" he said as I pulled them up blushing "not as pretty as you" I said running my paw up his chest while I sat on the edge of the bed.

As much as I wanted to jump back into bed with him I also was aware we needed supplies, and desperately, we only had enough for a day maybe two at best, and while we wanted to start hunting in the forest we would need string, and other materials to create traps to make it sustainable.

Our phones were now fully charged thanks to the house's electricity, and we scoured the maps looking for a supermarket, they would have everything we needed under one roof, but then I had a better idea.

"hey Josh, supermarkets will be the obvious choice right, but there is a less obvious choice"

"what do you mean?"

"well supermarkets get supplied by one truck right, and they all come from a warehouse where they collectively gather the supplies from all the factories making it, so, what if we went to a warehouse instead?"

"aren't they all just grey buildings though, how will we know?"

"I had a summer job packing here" I pointed to the warehouse I'd spent a summer packing goods onto pallets for the local distribution centre, my dad made me do it to see what the world was like outside the farm, and to be fair I hated it and stuck with the farm.

"it was full of supplies, everything you could imagine, with a freezer stocked full of pallets too, I mean I guess the power will be off, but still there should be loads of dry goods left right?"

Josh seemed to agree with me, it was a great plan, the warehouse was only 15 minutes away near the motorway junction, we could use the pickup and make a dash and grab run for whatever we could carry.

With enough supplies we could then have enough time to start becoming self-sufficient without the fear of running out of food, I mean realistically how many rabbits would we need to catch a day!

It didn't take us long to get to the warehouse, armed with empty rucksacks and some tools we bought we drove up to a huge metal fence, a red and white barrier snapped off on the floor next to a green security hut, its occupant shot.

"someone has clearly been here"

"you sure we should go in?" Josh asked a nervousness to his voice.

"let's check it out, if its sketchy we need to bail right"

Josh nodded, we got this.

I drove around the back of the building; some truck trailers were attached to the loading docks and I could see the emergency exits all shut.

"we should go in through there" I pointed to a door near the loading dock, I remembered seeing it open and looking out into the yard while working there, the pallets were just on the other side.

I pulled the truck up near the door cutting the engine off.

No zombies had followed us so hopefully the coast was clear.

"come on Josh" I instructed picking my crossbow up, Josh with this bow, the plan was to sneak in and out, and kill any zombies we saw along the way.

I grabbed a crowbar from the back of the truck and forced the door open, the metal squeaked with an earie sound as I tried to do it as quietly as possible before letting of its locking mechanism and letting us in.

Entering the room we could see pallet stacked high up to the ceiling some 15 storeys high, surrounded in an automated racking system that collected and deposited the pallets.

The warehouse was dark, the power no longer on and without lighting it was pitch black.

Something we didn't have was torches, this was going to prove difficult.

Josh wedged the door open leaving an array of light shining into the building as we headed up to the first row of pallets

"Nappies" Josh whispered, but even so it echoed in the industrial surroundings and I held my finger to my lips hushing him.

I waved him forward as I walked down one of the many gargantuan aisles of pallets looking for anything of use.

I bagged a few toiletries, some shower gels and soaps as I made my way down the aisle, these were nice to haves but not really what we came for.

I couldn't believe our luck, this place was left untouched, how was this even possible.

Further in as the light faded I tapped Josh on the shoulder holding up a box of paracetamol and some other pain killing tablets, we stuffed some boxes into our bags and climbed through a gap in the racking to come back down the next aisle, it was just too dark to continue.

We tiptoed down the aisle, finding tins upon tins of canned goods, chillis, minced beef, beans, ravioli, spaghetti, all the stuff I would never eat before the outbreak but I was soon cutting the cellophane off and filling my bag full of them.

Josh was doing the same, I could make out his smile in the darkness as I gave him a thumbs up.

The tins made a funny noise as we walked hitting each other inside the bags, we tried to walk slower to keep the noise down and it worked somewhat even though it was muffled.

Josh tiptoed to the other side of the aisle, and waved for me to follow, we found bags of rice which we shoved into our bags, now getting extremely heavy and becoming difficult to carry, I saw some electrical items just up ahead and gestured Josh to follow.

Torches, exactly what we needed, I gave one to josh and we fumbled with the plastic protector safeguarding the battery from misuse, we pulled the tab out and switched them on.

That's when I saw them

I realised why this warehouse was left as it was.

A huge horde of zombies stood in the aisle, in the darkness near the office area.

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