Chapter Thirty-five - Joshua

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My hand covered my mouth to prevent a scream and I immediately switched the flashlight off listening closely.

Nothing moved

Sam tiptoed backwards pulling at my arm as we made our way to the light, we made our way to the light slowly and surely as we got to the door a man stood there with a shotgun...

"I see you got past the zombies then" he whispered, "hand your stuff over otherwise you two boys can stay in there with them while I shout them over"

"please no you can't we need these supplies" I pleaded with him, Sam looking on not sure what to do but then he made a snap decision and I wasn't sure what the hell he was thinking.

I felt a sharp pull on my arm as he banged on the warehouse wall shouting "hey" loudly and the zombies responded my snarling and coming to life, the mans gun went off missing me by inches before he flung the door shut

"this way, up here" Sam shouted shining his torch onto a ladder leading up a gantry near the dock loading doors I didn't have time to look behind me or see where the zombies were, we climbed up the ladder as fast as we were able and onto a platform, it rocked as the zombies crashed into the ladder below Sam's flashlight falling out his paw and shining to the zombies below.

It was like a sea of zombies, as far as I could see, what the fuck was Sam thinking

"pull on this with me" he shouted grabbing a chain

I did as he asked and pulled it in, as we did so the huge roller door creaked and groaned lifting up inch by inch, the zombies distracted by the sound of the chain and the door opening, their growls and screams almost deafening.

That was until the door opened just enough for them to get under and they spilled outside to a rain of gunfire.

Sam had released the horde to our attackers who were now fighting them off, a huge number of them were still at the bottom of the ladder waiting to get us, pulling at the metal work.

"this way"

Sam said climbing up the next section, "it leads to the roof" we climbed up the ladder with our heavy backpacks in tow, I wasn't great with heights but the snarling zombies waiting to feed on us below left me little choice.

Climbing higher and higher the cacophony of screams inside and those coming from outside were horrendous, with some zombies now spilling back in through the loading door coming for us.

Sam opened a hatch on the roof and the light flooded in, he climbed out onto the roof and offered his paw for me to grab as we spilled out onto the roof.

"fucking hell Sam, could have warned me"

Sam looked over the edge of the factory, blood smeared across the loading area some dead zombies around and a scattering of others feasting on what were our attackers.

"he would have thrown us in there anyway Josh, I couldn't take that risk"

Sam finally said, he was probably right, people in the world now were only out for themselves.

"what now though" I asked concerned how we would get down.

"there must be a fire escape somewhere"

"you mean you've never been up here before?"

"no, I knew the ladders were there, and we could get up to the roof, but that's as far as I planned"

At least it was a plan I suppose, our pickup now surrounded my zombies with thousands more inside the loading bay now with access to the loading area.

We ran across the flat roof dodging the air circulation vents and made our way to the front of the warehouse, the parking lot sat in front with many vehicles, none of which would have keys, but there was a van parked at a funny angle with the door open, perhaps that was an option.

Sam was right, there was a staircase leading down the side of the building leading to a part of the factory land where the zombies had yet to explore, "this way" he called dashing down the staircase.

My palms got sweaty as the metal staircase floor wasn't solid, just an array of meshed gantries and steps looking directly 15 storeys down, I put the thoughts aside and followed Sam to the bottom feeling much better once we arrived at the bottom.

"Sam, the van" I pointed hearing the growls get closer, we ran forward the rice bags and tins now in our bags making us sound like a running orchestra of clanging and rattling sounds in tune with our footsteps as we ran across the parking lot.

The zombies had their own backing track of growls and footsteps clattering on the floor as they took note and started to run after us.

I swung into the van, the keys in the ignition, I slammed the door and turned the key frantically, the van came to life just as Sam jumped in.

A gunshot hit the back of the van, we couldn't see anyone but I planted the accelerator and the van lurched forward, the wheels spinning on the tarmac.

The carpark was surrounded by metal fencing, a meshed gate blocking its entrance as we approached "ram it" Sam shouted as another bullet ricocheted through the van, I changed up a gear as the van hit the rev limited and kept my foot planted.

The van approached the gates with a frightening speed, sparks flew as it crashed into them an array of twisted metal wrapped around the bonnet and scraping on the floor.

A tyre must of popped as the steering felt heavy but I kept on going regardless, turning onto the main road and far away from the warehouse.

We drove in silence for a few minutes at speeds I have never even driven at before almost losing control of the van numerous times as Sam clung on, I weaved through abandoned cars before slowing slightly once we knew the coast was clear.

All the time the van was making banging noises as the metal flapped against the panels.

"never again, I don't want to leave the house ever again" I said, Sam placed his paw on my leg a worried look on his face "me neither, I thought we were dead"

The van reluctantly ploughed forward shredding the tyre off its rim making an awful racket, the banging continued with what we could now hear as shouting coming from the back, I looked at Sam as I stopped the van just at the turn off up one of the lanes back home, it was about 2 miles from here and the van was just going to attack attention anyway

"let us out" the voices screamed, "were not with them"

Sam and I went around to the back of the van, crossbow and bow drawn as we flicked the back doors open.

A very bruised man and lady were tied up in the back, their hands bound in rope, blood seeing from fresh wounds on the man's face.

"please don't shoot us" he cried, cowering on the floor "please they captured us, just let us go, we won't cause any trouble"

"who's they" Sam asked sternly

"the colony, bad people" the lady answered

"they were going to kill me unless my wife ran in for supplies, then you guys showed up, just please let us go"

"Sam, what do we do?"

"leave them" he looked at me confused; I don't think he honestly knew what to do.

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