3: it's you i welcome death with

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Annus can hear the clock ticking down."


or — Unus and Annus's last three minutes together.

NOTE: set a couple of hours after "the final hours".





Annus can hear the clock ticking down.


He takes a shaky breath and looks at Unus, takes his hand. His lover is in tears, his temporary body trembling as Annus pulls him closer to dance with him. It's their final night alive, less than three minutes until midnight. Annus knows that death is certain now; the clock cannot be stopped, and time waits for no one. But while he hates it, he also finds himself feeling a little... happy. He isn't looking forward to what may happen next, where they might end up – unless, of course, they're together, after the end – but he'd rather not spend his last couple of minutes alive sad.


Unus is breathtaking. Always has been, no matter what he looked like. Annus has loved him forever, will keep loving him until it is impossible for him to continue on doing so. They sway together in the yard, dancing in the grass, and Annus leans forward to kiss Unus's forehead, then allows his lover to pull him closer, and they hold each other tightly, never wanting to let go.


"I love you," Annus whispers, arms tightening just a little around Unus's body, his lips pressing kisses to his lover's neck and shoulder before turning to kiss just below the ear. "I know you're sad and afraid, my darling, but we'll be together until the very last second. I'm certain that death will be quick and painless and will come for us at the exact same time, so neither of us will have to spend a single second here apart. You won't be alone."

Unus swallows. "Maybe not alone here," he says softly into Annus's shoulder, voice cracking, "but what if... what if where we end up again is the same as before? Dark, empty, cold and lonely? What if we go back there, separated and–"

Annus shushes him. "But what if we don't?" he proposes, hands sliding up and down Unus's back before he pulls away only enough to see that beautiful face. "What if we die together, in each other's arms? Maybe then... we can be together after."



Unus blinks at him, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "You think that could work?" he asks, seriously. His tone even sounds hopeful, too. Annus isn't really sure where they'll end up again — they could be together, they could be apart — but he doesn't want Unus to be sad, and Annus doesn't want to be sad either. If they can hold onto hope, death might not be so bad.


"I think anything is possible for us, love," Annus replies truthfully, his forehead resting against Unus's. "I just hope that maybe this time, the universe will allow us to remain together, where we belong, because you are everything to me, and without you I am nothing at all. You are my second-half, you are my soulmate, you are the love of my whole entire existence. I never want a single moment, a single second away from you again."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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