Medical astrology and congenital diseases

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For every family, childbirth is a source of enormous joy & divine blessing, but life becomes miserable for a family when a child is born with any kind of incurable health issue. When a child is born with certain bad health conditions, it is due to genetic defect or genetic mutation in his/her developing body inside the womb and these all health conditions are termed as Congenital disease. Birth of a kid with congenital diseases is a big emotional, psychological and financial issue for a family. Autism, Congenital heart defect, Down Syndrome, diaphragmatic Hernia, muscular dystrophy, childhood cancer and many more are the kinds of genetic disease that adversely affect the intellectual, physical, behavioral or overall growth of children.

Children with serious health problems can now survive thanks to significant advancements in the medical field, but scientists are still unsure why such genetic sickness originates in the foetus during pregnancy.

Medical astrology is the branch of astrology that deals with the impact of 27 Nakshatra, 9 planets, 12 bhav of a horoscope (Kundli) and twelve zodiac signs, on the human body . Our horoscope o gives tons of data about various events of life including types, site and timing of disease.

This article is about the astrological indication of genetic defects in the horoscope of a child with such problems and it is also advised that all parents should do some remedies for specific dosha responsible for such diseases during pregnancy.

Congenital disease & Past life:

Congenital means "a situation arises before birth (time between conception to birth)", while in astrology it is called "Past Life. In many cases it has been seen that parents without any family history of genetic disease can have a kid with such difficulty due to mutation in gene before delivery of the child. "Past Life" is a very important concept in vedic astrology, our horoscope is the map of vibration of our past life karma and we have to taste the fruit of our past life karma (Prarabdha Karma).

  "Past Life" is a very important concept in vedic astrology, our horoscope is the map of vibration of our past life karma and we have to taste the fruit of our past life karma (Prarabdha Karma)

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Congenital disease & Pitra dosha:

In horoscopes for examining genetic disorders besides checking other parameters of medical astrology, first "Pitra Dosha" should be checked.

Pitra dosha is defined as a debt of our ancestors while in science we can relate it with genetic disease as we get genes from our ancestor and any genetic disease in the gene will carry to subsequent generations. Similarly this phenomenon we observe in material world,

We enjoy the benefits of our ancestral property, in a similar manner we even have to bear the fruit of bad deeds conducted by our ancestors knowingly or unknowingly and that is called Pitra dosha. That's why horoscopes with pitra dosha are susceptible to genetic diseases.


* SUN is natural Atmakarka, manifests soul, prana & overall health. Bhagwat Geeta says that in every life Soul gets the physical body according to Sanchit Karma. It is the most vital factor for congenital diseases being a natural significator of 5th house of horoscope that indicates our past life karma.

*MOON is the indicator of Balarishta that is suffering in childhood. Moon in Trik houses; weak and afflicted, in the horoscopes of children indicates infant mortality or bad health.

*Eighth house (Bhav) of Kundali is another indicator of long term illness, it is twelfth from Bhagya Bhav house, which specifies misfortune. Anybody struggles in life if the eighth bhav of kundali is stronger than the ninth house. It also denotes inheritance; any thing (including disease) inherited from ancestors.

SUN has always been related with the 8th house of lagna, navamsa or drekkana (22nd drekkana) kundali of such children.

*Birth time dasha, which decides whether an individual will get an fortunate or unfortunate start of life, also plays a crucial part in these cases. Starting dasha of malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn is usually troublesome.

example- Male 24/5/2013, 16:34, Toronto, Canada, hole in heart and blood cancer since birth

This child was born in Sa/Sa/Ju dasha with several health conditions including hole in heart and blood cancer. Virgo ascendant and ascendant lord Mercury is in the eighth house of Drekkana chart in the rashi of mars (scorpio), so Mangal and Budh both are not good for the health of this native. Indicator of past life in this horoscope, 5th lord Saturn is retrograde and conjunct with rahu and aspected by Mars (mangal), native was born in the dasha of Saturn. Second house Rahu is also an indicator of pitra dosha. Atmakaraka Sun which is karka of Heart also, is in the ketu nakshatra and ketu which is in 8th house in lagna kundali. Moon is debilitated in this horoscope in the sign of mars. Saturn aspect 4th house; which represents the heart, and also eighth house of kundali which has the sign of mars. Correlation of sun, mars and moon with 8th house and Saturn along with pitra dosha, indicates severe health issues in the child.

It is always recommended that couples who want to bring a child in this should perform certain specific remedies before conceiving to maximise the chance of becoming the parent of a healthy child. In StarsGyan platform all the astrologers are experts in medical astrology and can guide you with their own specific remedial ways.

Thanks by astrologer Shikkha Chauhhan

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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