~Chapter Twenty Two~

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"So why do you want me in this video again?" I questioned when talking to Zak.

He wants me to be in the newest McLaren video with Daniel and Lando.

"People have been asking for you to be in the videos again, but they want all three of you" he answered.

"Ok" I shrugged. "I'm down"

"You're amazing Isabelle," he smiled, patting my shoulder. "They're in the back room and they'll explain what you're going to be doing when you get there"

"Okie dokie" I replied and made my way to the back room.

I've been in a better headspace than I was the other day. Talking to Natalie really helped. I didn't have to fill her in on anything, but she really helped me calm down. These outbreaks don't happen very often, but they can become much worse. I just try to get myself through the day and do something fun in the afternoon to distract myself from the negative thoughts that can sometimes circulate through my head.

"Sup losers" I said as I walked into the room. Things were still awkward between Lando and I, but I needed to put on a fake face in front of the others. Mine and Lando's issues are no one else's, so the only people who have to deal with it are us.

"Aye, aye," Daniel said with a smile. Lando looked at me, giving me a small smile which I returned before looking away.

"So, what are we filming today?" I cleared my throat, sitting on the empty chair that was placed between the boys.

"Some drawing challenge," Lando said.

"We're going to be given a category and we all have to draw what we think of" Daniel added.

I laughed. "I suck at drawing"

"Game on then, because I suck too" Daniel responded.

"That's what she said" I giggled, causing Lando and Daniel to laugh.

Daniel smirked. "Ok, I'll give you that one"

"You guys ready?" one of the camera guys asked and we all nodded. We were signalled to start.

"G'day, g'day" I smiled at the camera.

"Good morning, good afternoon, good day" Daniel said.

"Hi," Lando nodded, causing us to laugh.

"Today we are doing a drawing challenge" I started. "We have pen and paper somewhere" I looked around us and could see paper under our chairs but no pens.

"Oi, heads" Daniel said and I looked up to see a pen coming towards me which I caught with one hand. "Good reflexes"

I smirked and winked at the camera. "Thank you. Thank you very much"

"That would've been bad if you didn't catch it," Lando stated.

"Of course I was going to catch it, I'm just good at everything" I replied with a smirk.

"I'm just good at everything. Isabelle Moore's quote of the year" Lando responded and we all laughed.

"Ok" Daniel looked back at the camera ready to start the challenge. "We're going to be given a category and we have to draw what comes to our mind with that word"

"Easy peasy," Lando said.

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy" I nodded and took the lid off my pen.

"Alright, the first word is home," Charlotte said behind the camera.

A small smile was placed on my lips when many pictures flashed through my mind. I chose to draw a few.

It was very quiet while we were drawing. Everyone was concentrating, trying to make their drawing the best.

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