chapter 11

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Once Eda fell in Serkan's arms unconscious he directly took her to his car worried that something is going to happen to her.He never got this worried about someone but suddenly this feeling of protecting her and making sure she stays healthy took over.

The whole time on the road he tried talking to her but she didn't answer.He definitely exceeded the speed limit but he didn't care at this moment hewanted nothing but to reach to the hospital.

Few minutes later he carried unconscious Eda to the hospital.

"Somebody help" Serkan said

"What happened to her" a nurse hurried to them

"WHAT DO YOU SEE" he growled making the nurse flinch

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to. She said that she was having a strong headache but when she stood up she fainted" he said worriedly while placing her on the moving bed

"okay i will take her" the nurse said and disappeared in one of the rooms and then Serkan followed her in

The nurse said to the doctor what happened to Eda and Serkan kept watching him examin her.

After a while Eda slowly opened her eyes to see Serkan looking at the doctor while the doctor explained to him that it is only because of stress she got a headache and because of the painful headache and the fast movement she fainted in general nothing sirius.

"S-Serkan" Eda said her eyes barely open because of the light

"Eda how are you feeling" he asked when he first saw her and then rushed to her making her surprise

"Eda hanim how are you feeling" the doctor said

"I-I'm fine thank you.. um what happened" she asked looking at Serkan

"You had a strong headache because of stress and you fainted but the doctor said it is nothing sirius" he said making her nod

"So I will leave you two together" the doctor said before leaving the room making it awkward for them.

"So i will go check you out of the hospital and then we will eat something for you to gain energy" Serkan said standing up

"no thank you for this but i want to go home" Eda said sitting

"no i said we will eat then i will take you home" he said not leaving her time to answer and went

"uff ya why is he caring about me? of course he is not what are you saying Eda" Eda said to herself then rolled her eyes

Serkan finished everything and took Eda to a restaurant

"Wow the view from here is breathtaking" Eda gasped looking out of the window where she can see all İstanbul from here

"yeah" Serkan said not taking his eyes off the screen of his phone

"why aren't you looking at this view" eda said frowning

"Because I memorized it by heart" he said still looking at his phone

"This is the lamest thing someone has ever told me" Eda said

"Pardon?" Serkan said raising his eyebrows and taking his eyes off the screen

"Yes you cannot 'memorize a view' everytime something changes the clouds can change cars passing, the weather, the trees" she said looking at the view making Serkan get lost in her beauty while she was talking

Serkan remained silent and then the waiter came

"Hi my name is Burak and I'm here to take your orders" the waiter said

"I will take a salad" Serkan said then asked Eda "What do you want to eat?" he said

"Mashed potatoes!" Eda said directly like a child with a wide smile making Serkan and the waiter chuckle at her cuteness

"Tamam sweet lady" the waiter said making serkan clench his jaw and fists frowning and looking at the waiter with a dead stare making the waiter shift uncomfortable

"Anything else" the waiter said clearing his throat

"no" Eda said with a sweet smile while handing the menu to the waiter which the waiter took them quickly and left making her confuse

"So you seem to like mashed potatoes" Serkan said

"Yes actually they are my favourite meal" She said with a smile making Serkan adore her pureness

"And you, do you only eat salad?" she asked

"Yes" he replied briefly making her nod

After a while of silence, eda looking outside and serkan on the phone, the food came

Eda started to dig in and serkan stared eating salad silently watching her.

"You know girls usually hate to eat infront of guys making an excuse they are not hungry while they are starving to death but it isn't the same situation to you which make you original and adorable unlike other girls which is annoying" he said wiping his mouth

Eda stopped eating when she realized he called her adorable and tried to hide her smile and then cleared her throat

"Um.. thank you but i don't see the reason why i shouldn't eat if I'm hungry I will eat and if the person front me is annoyed he can leave" she said shrugging her shoulder and continue to eat

"yeah" he said with a smile

"this girl is really something" he thought

"Ouf I'm full thank you so much" She said

"afiet olsun" He said calking for the waiter to come

They payed the bill and went outside

"Can we walk to the shore please oh unless you have work if you have work we ca-" she said once they were outside but was cut short by Serkan

"Yeah of course and no I don't have a lot of work it can wait for a couple of minutes" he said and they started walking making Eda blush cause he prefered to walk over to work which is weird to a workaholic person like him

"thank you" she said smiling making his heart stop for a second and then smiling back

Once they arrived Eda sat and started to breath.

"Eda are you okay do you want to go to the hospital" He said sitting next to her frowning

"No no I'm fine I just like to close my eyes and enjoy the sound of the beach it is my favorite thing" she said chuckling

He just remained silent admiring her beauty and how her hair comes to her face evertime wind came. He then removed his jacket and put it around her making her confused then murmuring a thank you, he raised his hand and brushed put her hair around her ear away from her face making it stop her heart from beating and smiled then she realized she was blushing and looked at her feet making him again raise his hand to her chin and raising her head for her eyes to meet his and they stared at each others lips for a second and then Serkan began to move closer untile their lips crashed together in a soft slow kiss making their heart dance.

Then after some seconds a voice interrupted their kiss making them both look at the person Eda with wide round eyes and Serkan cursing this person under his breath for ruining their moment.

"Eda?" the deep voice said

Serkan's head shot up and started looking at the man and then Eda who has wide eyes...

HEY LOVIES I'M SORRY FOR THE WAITING BUT THINGS HAD BEEN HECTIC. so i hope you like this chapter who do you think is this person and why is eda in shock? SEE YOU IN NEXT CHAPTER and excuse me if there is some mistaked but I didn't have time to reread it.

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