Chapter 14

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

I was awaken by the sweet smell of bacon,

I looked at my clock.

9:33 AM

Nash wasn't in bed beside me.

I smiled at the thought of him cooking breakfast.

I grabbed my phone and got a message from a random number.

I can't wait to see Chapin, be there soon. Xoxo

The message said.

I had no idea who hasn't seen Chapin yet.

Its been over a month since she was born.

Maybe family back home?


I decided not to respond to the message and just go with it.

I headed downstairs

I saw a shirtless Nash Grier with sweatpants

"Its about time you get up." Nash giggled as he flipped a pancake

I laughed and kissed him.

"Hi chapin" i said in a baby voice, as i turned to Chapin sitting in her booster seat at the table.

She started to giggle.

I walked up to her at the table and kissed her on the cheek.

I sat at the table, just admiring Chapin.

About 3 minutes later, Nash brought over pancakes and bacon.

For drinks, Orange juice

And for Chapin, her formula.

He fed her the bottle as we were eating.

Nash is such an amazing dad and fiancé.

This is all i have ever wanted.

A full family.

I never got one of those.

Nash didn't either.

His parents divorced at such a young age.

My dad was never a dad.

I can't even think about that man without getting a migraine or tearing up.

"So, what would you ladies like to do today?" Nash smiled at Chapin.

"What do you want to do?" I asked

He shrugged

"I was thinking we could hang out with cam"

"Oh, yeah. That would be nice. I will give him a call once we are done eating" i said taking a mouthfull of pancakes.

"Okay, Chapin can play with Gabby." Nash said

(If you dont remember. Thats the name of camerons daughter, she is 2)

I nodded.

Nash lifted Chapin out of her booster seat once she finished her bottle.

"Someone was hungry." Nash laughed and kissed her cheek.

She had such bright blue eyes already.

The same as Nash.

She is so beautiful.

Once i finished eating i dialed camerons number and he told us to come over whenever.

We got all ready and headed to camerons house.

*Camerons P.O.V*

"Zoe?" I yelled downstairs

"Yes?" She said back

"Do you know where my jeans are?" I asked

"Did you try looking in your dresser?" She laughed

"Yes, I looked for like 20 minutes." I said

"I'm sure" she said, walking upstairs.

"You look then! I swear, they aren't there." I said

She then opened my dresser and threw my jeans at me.

"What would i do without you." I picked her up and kissed her lips.

"Well, you probably wouldn't have found your jeans." She laughed

"Smart ass" i said

"You are just mad because I am always right." She said back

"Nuh Uh" i said

"Yeah Huh." She said

We went on and on and fought like little kids until my phone started ringing.

It was Hanna

"Hanna Russell"

"Cameron Dallas." She laughed on the other line.

"Whats up?" I laughed too.

"Nothing really, we just ate breakfast-" She said

"Woah, woah. Did Nash... Cook?" I laughed

"I know suprising. But, we were talking about what we should do today and we think we should hang out." She said

"Oh yeah, for sure. Come over anytime today, we will be home." I asked

"Alright, sounds good. See ya." Hanna said



Yeah, sorry about not updating.

But, i fucking hate #jadison

I dont like Madison at all and Gilinsky is pissing me tf off.

He went to the bieber roast w/ madison and Johnson didnt even go.

Jack and Jack are barley together anymore.


Go comment #jemily on Madison and Jack gs pics. Hahahahahaha

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