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🎬 Scene 1:

Author's POV

Jungkook felt restless today. Even more so after meeting up with Taehyung and almost getting knocked over by some omega.

What's wrong with people today?

He thought as the class looked towards him. He growled.

They averted their gazes but started murmuring.

He's an alpha.

How unfair!

Look at his build, it's the same.

And he grumbled.

What's up with not giving a fuck?

He shook his head as he looked out of the window. He saw Taehyung but he was shuddering. He saw how Taehyung almost fell on his knees and furrowed his eyebrows.

Is Tae not feeling up to it today? Did I scold him too much?

He felt guilt creeping his whole body as he looked at Taehyung who got up and started running.

Jungkook almost got up.

Everyone had their eyes on him and he looked... no glared back.


An alpha girl who was sitting next to him spoke up with disinterest.

"You are exuding too much dominance. Lower it down."

She said and went to sleep.

Jungkook seemed to notice how the betas and omegas kept their distance with him.

"... eh."

He meant to apologize but nothing came out.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows again.

"If you're trying to apologize, it isn't gonna work. Wolf genes."

The alpha girl said again, unbothered by his presence.

"And who are you?"

"An alpha."

"I can sense that."

"I didn't know."

She said with disinterest, not even batting an eye to Jungkook.

Jungkook scoffed but was internally impressed.

She is cool.

He went to sit in his place and tried to lower his pheromones.

At the exact same time, a teacher came in with rather small build, bowing his head.

"I'm Taehyun, an assistant teacher of geometry and arts. I'll be taking the revision classes."

"What's your last name, sir? How should we call you?"

A beta girl spoke up with her hand raised.

"Ah... just call me sir."

Taehyun fidgeted before smiling softly.

"Now go on. Revise what you want and come to me if you have any questions."

He said but felt like someone was staring too much at him.

It was Jungkook.

Jungkook had looked at Taehyun and he doesn't know why, his body heated up.

Something screamed at him to lunge on top of the assistant teacher. To just rip his clothes off...

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