Prologue - The Boppin' Event

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Location - Toyko Private School

Your POV

Hi there, who am I? My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I go to a private high school in Japan with my best friend, Rin, and the two of us are pretty close with each other. I would do anything to protect her and her smile, and I know she would do the same thing for me.

Here is some information about me: my parents work at a research facility. Sometimes, they would leave Japan and go to another country with their colleagues to do all different kinds of research. They usually bring home a souvenir or two, but having them at home can be nice, too. As for myself, I am just a third year high school student who loves the art of writing. While I was told that I am good at writing, I feel like I still have a lot to learn, too.

It was the end of another busy, yet boring day at school. I am in my homeroom getting ready to leave after being told by the teacher that we were done for the day. While I was packing my bag, Rin came into the classroom with an excited look on her face.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! I did it!" She yelled excitedly.

"You... finally scored 100 on the math test?" I asked, assuming.

"No, you know that math teacher is a total jerk." Rin replied. True, I heard he kicked a student out of the classroom just for getting a problem wrong.

"Okay, I give. What happened?"

"I got two tickets for the Pastel*Palettes meet-and-greet that is happening this weekend!" She said, then showed me the tickets.

Pastel*Palettes is that idol band that has been around for quite some time now. I really didn't care much about them, but Rin likes them a lot, and she wants to be an idol just like them. But hang on, she said she got two tickets, right?

"Two tickets? Are you hoping to bring a friend with you?" I asked.

Rin giggled.

"Yes, and he happens to be standing in front of me." She said, pointing to me.

Wait, what?! She wants me to go with her? I don't see why, though... She knows I am not into the Pastel*Palettes like she is. I'm sure that if I go, I would just cause trouble for her and everyone else.

"Do you really want me to go?" I asked feeling unsure about all of this.

"Yes. If I had to share this moment with anyone, it'd be you, my best friend." She said.

She began to guilt trip me by giving me those puppy eyes. Ugh, I hate it when she does that, it makes me feel less manly around my guy friends... Oh wait, I don't have any...

"Please, (Y/N), go with me." She pleaded.

"Well... okay. If you really want me to go, then I will." I said, sighing in defeat.

"Yay! Thank you!"

She gave me a big hug while I was thinking what I have gotten myself into...

The following weekend...

Location - Meet-and-greet event sight

The weekend was here, and so was the meet-and-greet. As expected, this place was packed, everyone wanted to meet the idols, huh? From what I heard, this event is supposed to last through the whole weekend, so fans can meet the girls one day if the other day doesn't work out. Thankfully, Rin and I were able to go today, so we don't have to worry about tomorrow.

Today, Rin and I are going to talk to the guitarist of the group, Hikawa Hina. From what I heard, Hina has a lot of energy. But I was told that she was kind, and was willing to talk to anyone, no matter who they are.

After standing in that line for a long period of time, we were finally able to talk to Hina. She had a wonderful smile, and has quite a positive vibe towards her.

"Oh my god! Hina-chan! Nice to meet you!" Rin said with even more excitement, then they shook hands. This is going to be a long day...

"Haha, hi there. Nice to meet you, too. What's your name?" Hina asked.

"My name is Rin, and this is (Y/N), my best friend."

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)-kun." Hina said to me with a smile.

"Yeah, nice to meet you, too." I replied, and we shook hands.

While I was shaking her hand, I began to feel a little... weird. I feel nice and warm on the inside. I wonder what could this feeling be...?

A few minutes later...

Location - Station Entrance

After we spoke to Hina, Rin and I left the event sight, and we waited to catch the next train to go home. I can tell Rin had a lot of fun talking to Hina, and I stood there in silence, trying to figure out what I was feeling.

"That was a fun meet-and-greet, wasn't it, (Y/N)?" Rin asked me.

"I guess it was. But you had fun, and that's all that matters." I said.

"Hehe, thanks for coming with me. I would've been a nervous wreck if I talked to Hina-chan alone." Rin said and gave me a hug.

I hugged her back and said...

"No problem. Anything for my bestie."

Deep down at the bottom of heart, though, I do hope I get to see Hina again. She was nice, beautiful, and it makes me want to be her arms. But I shouldn't say that to Rin, otherwise she might tease me.

"Are you thinking about anything?" Rin asked me.

"Umm, no, I'm not." I replied while breaking the hug. Then the train arrived. We got on it, and headed off for home.

Location - Residential Area

Hina's POV

With the event done for the evening, I began to walk home with the other members. We talked about the event while we were walking under the starry sky. Eve and I have been looking forward to this event for a while, both Aya and Maya were nervous about it, but they stayed strong and hanged in there, and Chisato remain as professional as ever. This was a wonderful day worth remembering. It was Boppin'.

Out of all the fans I've talked to today, I really like that Rin girl, because she reminds me a bit of myself when it comes to endless amount of energy. But then, there was her best friend, (Y/N). I began to feel something while I shook his hand, it was strange.

"This is so confusing..." I whispered to myself.

"Hina-chan! Are you coming?" Aya called out, bringing me back into reality.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I am coming!" I said, catching up to the others. Maybe I should keep this to myself until further notice.

To be continued

A/N: Well, here I am, back again trying to redo all of my books, and this is the first one. I am reviving these books in a certain order, so I hope you guys are cool with that. See you guys in the next chapter. :)

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