[ oo. act one ]

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a different you.

[ oo. act one ]


❝ i feel like no one wants me
and i hate the way i'm perceived
i only have two real friends
and lately i'm a nervous wreck

'cause i love people i don't like ❞

'cause i love people i don't like ❞

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[ iii. authors note ]

this story is going to be spilt into little parts, in this case the acts, and will each have their own end and start <3 there'll only be i think like three acts but yeah just so you all know
i'm really excited to be writing again and i promise that the storyline will still have the same premise as it originally did it'll just be so much better and make more sense (and yes there will still be the 'and ur homeboy wanna date me he shady baby' aspect with griffin in this so dont worry)

a different you ♡ thomas barbuscaWhere stories live. Discover now