Behind closed doors🤫pt.2

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* means thinking just to let you know so U guys arnet confused lol

Hawks POV:
I really like y/n I just don't know how to tell her that I want her to be my girlfriend

We were walking to the mini mart and I kept wanting to say something so that I could give her hints that I'm going to tell her but I kept getting to nervous so I just kept to myself and kept walking

"Hey you okay " she says in a sweet but concerned way
"Yeah I'm good" i said in non enthusiastic way
"You sure" she says still concerned
"Yeah "

*I can't stop thinking about her she drives me crazy I think I love her wait no I'm not a simp actually u know what for this girl I am she has the prettiest eyes and the cutest laugh I adore her she's so beautiful even her personality is amazing 😫*

We got to the mini mart and just sat on the Bench outside we had a really good laugh together like we always do I couldn't stop thinking about her

*god she's so gorgeous her laugh is adorable damn I really do love this girl*

we stopped laughing and I am ready to ask her but I'm really nervous but I just gotta man up and do it

"Hey y/n can I ask you something"
"Yeah what's up "
"Well uhhh I ....... We both know we like each other and I was just wondering if you would wanna be my girlfriend"
"Wait really"she said with a huge smile
"Uhh yeah" I said scratching the back of my head but smiling
"Omg yes I'd love to be ur girlfriend"
"Wait really , I'm gonna take u on a date tomorrow for the whole day I'll let u know what u will need to bring before I come get u I'll pick u up at 10am tomorrow is that okay"
"Omg yayyy I'm so exiteddd "

Y/ns POV:
Omg he really just asked me to be his girlfriend omg yayyyyyyyyy I'm litterally squealing inside right now

I check my phone and it's 10pm

"It's getting pretty late could u drive me home"
"Yeah of course princess"
"Thankyou baby"

We arrive at my house and I give him a quick kiss and say bye and goodnight

I go in the house and see my dad and he looks mad but he's never usually mad about what time I get in

"Hey dad what's wrong"
"Why were u kissing that kid "
"Dad I-"
"Y/n u know I don't trust him he used to be one of cobra kais worst kids he's not good for you!"
"But dad I like him"
"Well he's not good enough for u and I do not wanna see u kissing or being like that with him again!"
"But dad I-"
"No y/n I don't wanna hear it "
"You can not tell me who I can and can't be with dad i love him" I say sobbing in anger
"What, u love him but I-"
"Yes dad I do I've loved him for the longest time and he's finally asked me to be his girlfriend and I'm happy but clearly that's not good enough for you, he's changed he's not like that anymore u can't tell me who I can and can't love"I say now balling my eyes out
"I didn't know u loved him I'm sorry okay but if he ever and I mean ever hurts u I will never trust that kid again "
"thanks dad but u have really hurt me with what u said I'm going to bed "

I go to my room still crying and I check my phone and have a text from hawk

Hey princess

Hey baby

Can we ft I miss u already

Sorry baby not right now I'm kinda sad I don't feel like talking right now

Oh are u okay is there anything I can do

I'm okay I'm kinda tired I'm going to go to sleep goodnight

Okay if u need anything u can talk to me goodnight princess

I put down my phone and set an alarm for 8am and go to sleep

Im going to do another part when they go on their date sorry this one was so long lol I am really bored i hope u like how it is so far xoxoxo

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