The proxies

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Yo, it's me MoonCharm. I can't wait to see wats going on in the chat to day.
Cheesecake666: I like cheesecake :3
Jeff: stfu
Hoodie7: leave masky alone -_-
Tobyisannoying: HEY MASKY!!!
[Cheesecake666 has disconnected]
Moon: ummm, ok then.
Tobyisannoying: hai Moonie :3
Moon: hewwo :3
Hoodie7: .... Hey Moon.
Jeff: oh so moony decided to show up.
Moon: yeah, you got a problem with that Jeff!
Jeff: no.
Moon really :D
Jeff: I was just kidding. I hate you.
[Jeff has disconnected]
Moon: what did I do :'(
Tobyisannoying: don't you have a crush on him?
Hoodie7: wait, moon, OMG I'm telling BEN!!!!!
[Hoodie7 has disconnected]
Moon: crap NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Toby what have u done!
[Moon has disconnected]
Tobyisannoying: everyone left..... did I do something wrong???? :(

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