Dark Forest Part 47

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Niko took a deep breath before she asked, "How much would it cost to commission some specialized tools from you? And, could I buy your services to work on a weapon with me?" 

Although Rydr didn't know what to expect, it wasn't that. 

He answered honestly, "I'm not certain how much I'll charge. I still need to gather some materials before I can begin. What type of weapon is it?"

Nike bounced a little, beaming, "A pair of handguns! IRL, I support myself as Living History, a gunsmith." She wore a few other titles from other professions, but Niko felt no need to overshare more than she had.

The girl continued, "Plus, if you really want to make wootz steel, you're going to need vanadium, right?"

Rydr blinked, impressed that she knew about the mineral component of the extinct metal. He nodded at her, growing excited about the conversation.

"What if I helped you get it? You'll need to get to the mine outside Grotto, and with night falling, one more person could help." Niko let her thoughts gush out, wanting to say everything before the seemingly surly Titan turned her down.

Rydr asked, "Quick question. Do we need to sleep?" This was the Titan's first nightfall within the game, so he wasn't aware of some things.

Niko frowned, confused, before she said, "As far as anyone can tell? No. It looks like it's more of a voluntary thing. I think spells or poisons can knock us out, though." The girl smiled again, not that she'd ever stopped smiling. It was her passive state.

"Are you trying to make black powder for the guns?" Rydr switched back to the original subject after his question was answered.

Niko shook her head, "I need some land to make black powder efficiently, and only nobles can own land. I plan to make single-propellant nitrocellulose."


"And a few others. I want to try different things and figure out what would combine best with the magic application." 

Rydr raised his eyebrows, "You're trying to make, what, magitech guns?" He liked the idea. 

Niko just beamed at him, nodding.

The giant waved Syrna over to their little group and explained their conversation. After the archer listened quietly for a while, she nodded.

"That sounds cool, and I might be able to use some of it for myself. Have you thought about casting magic on the bullets themselves?" Syrna's mind was on her own goals as well. 

The brunette nodded, "I have. I want to design a concurrent casting system. The idea is one, big spell, combining the layered effects of multiple spells, or the same one compounded." 

"That would be in addition to weapon enchantments, bullet enchantments, and maybe even propellant enchantments...when I get good at it." Niko failed to add that she had a peculiar build in mind for her stats. 

The young woman planned an even split between Dexterity and Wisdom, with the emphasis on the latter. Because of her steady income, she had the money to buy the more detailed information from the Testers Guild.

Specifically for Wisdom.

Niko learned that Wisdom, aside from increasing her mana pool, had a few auxiliary effects. The brunette pulled up the information, absently listening to Rydr and Syrna talked about enchanting ideas.

The Testers Guild even color-coded the data as if it were a game notification.

The Testers Guild even color-coded the data as if it were a game notification

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