Hide and seek (#2)

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I was walking home as I just caught glimpse of a guy. I turned around to see who it was.  My hands were shaking in fear.
"Hello?.." I stuttered as I crept closer towards the shadow.
Nothing... I got closer and Closer until I was pulled to the side by a hand I knew. I closed my mouth quickly as he held me.
"Neru? What are you doing?? I thought you was hanging at mine tonight?" Len whispered into my ear. "Its Rin-Chans birthday!" Oh... I knew that... He smiled at me.
"Yeah.. Let me get my things..." I started to hurry off to my house as I saw him follow me. I smiled at him.
I hurried to the door, To find it already open. I walked it to see Miku. She smiled at me widely.
"They are upstairs.. Its just you, me, Katio, Rin and Len! Come one!" She pulled me up the stairs outside of the twins room.
"Hey!" Len smiled at me. Miku went in the room. I knew they were listening to me and Lens chat.
"Neru.. We have to share the beds.. Who would you share with? Me or the girls?"
"Where's Katio sleeping?" I felt myself blush slightly.
"He's sleeping on the couch!" He laughs. I didn't get what was funny.
"Okay.. You..." I muttered under my breath.
"WOOOO!" We heard Katio, Rin and Miku giggle as I muttered 'you'.. This will be a LONG night...

Len X NeruWhere stories live. Discover now