Chapter 19

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She stayed in his arms for a few minutes then asked about what happened to her and Dong Hua gave her a short version of events that happened after he rescued her: “what did they do to you little fox?” Dong Hua asked although he wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear the answer or not.
“I was playing for myself when I came across with them, one of them, the one who was in the middle wearing a light green robe, said he liked me and asked the others to capture me he wanted me as his pet, I ran away from those two who tried to captured me but the green one shout at them and called them coward and useless, this made them angry and they attacked me all at once, I tried to run but they apprehended and offered me to the green one. I did what I could to free myself from him but he took me from my neck so tightly that even breathing was hard so I bite him and he hit me in return, I can’t remember what happened next, I felt a huge amount of anger and sensed something coming up from deep inside of me but nothing after that. The next thing I can recall was the push at my back and that hole in front of my face, I remember that I tried to escape and then being flying and landing in your arms, I heard your voice telling me that I’m safe and nothing after that.”
Dong Hua felt so much in that moment, more than he can talk about so instead he tightened his arms even more and said: yes little fox you are safe.
Feng Jiu gave herself a moment so she could feel the warmth of Dijun’s arms around herself and enjoy the calm of his voice before moving out of his arms and looking up straight at his eyes: I want to attend the court, I want to be the one who gives them their punishment. I was the one who was wronged but the heavenly lord punished me when I was not aware of my circumstances, if he wants to ask forgiveness from my family he should accept my wish.
Dijun looked down at her face, she sounded so clever for her age, the same as her energy which was much more than normal, something about this little fox was strange!
“if that’s what you want I inform Tian Jun.” he said finally and saw her smile, she thanked him and look at his bed hopefully, Dong Hua smiled and said she must go back to sleep: “come, you need to rest more, sleep and when you wake up we will call the court for you.” He helped her lay down and in return Feng Jiu grabbed his hand and pulled him to lay beside herself.
Feng Jiu looked around the court, her court, her court in the sky kingdom, and she smiled. Her family joined her in Taichen Palace this morning after Dijun had informed them about her condition and wish, they seem surprised that Dijun really called the court for her, well not personally but third prince manage the formalities in behalf of Dijun and now Feng Jiu was here, in the cycle of her family and those boys in front of them in the middle of the room. Feng Jiu didn’t like the way the previous court had been, she as a princess of Ching Chu and one who will become the queen one day couldn’t just sleep while her family protected and talked on behalf of her.
By the call of Siming, a trusted person of Dijun’s people, Feng Jiu stood ahead and bowed in respect before talking: in this courtroom of sky kingdom I had been wrong, I was sent to my death before getting a chance to say my side of the story. While this is sky kingdome's court I’m a member of royal family of Ching Chu so I can’t be judged by outsider courts without the permission of my grandfather, Bai Zhe Dijun, but since this is the place which the first verdict was announced I accept it as the place of rehearing. Also as the rule established by Dijun bound us to negotiate matters in present of lords of all involved parties, I ask sky king dome’s lords to be witnesses of this court and Tian Jun to lend me his courtroom and my grandfather the king of Ching Chu to give me the power to choose the punishment towards those who wronged me.
“how old is she?” Feng Jiu could hear the murmurs from around the room. the old lords of other clans never expected her to talk this way, she sounds beyond her age; also her reputation as a playful little fox make it harder to believe, the stories say the young princess of Ching Chu enjoyed playing and nothing more, she is most spoiled and most pampered in entire realms and never attend a whole time of a class, but the picture they saw seems quite different. Even Bai Zhe Dijun looked surprised when he gave her the permission that she asked for, Feng Jiu in this court room seemed different than his carefree granddaughter.
Tian Jun take a look toward Dijun and the look in old god's eyes make it impossible to reject the princess's wish, before the court be start his third son told him about this wish and Dijun’s approval, he looked at Ching Chu’s young princess and suddenly he felt this girl in front of him has so many on her command, she had the entire Bai clan and like it’s not enough she has Dijun’s support too, he felt he should have this girl, having her mean having Ching Chu and Dijun. Dong Hua heard the voice of his thoughts and gave him a deadly look, he needed to talk to Liang Song and put some brain in Tian Jun’s head.
Despite all the thought in his mind Tian Jun gave her permission, something in this young girl in front of him reminded him of Dijun, her words sharp and her stare straight.
And by the acceptance whisper of other lords Feng Jiu start to talk and said what really happened, Feng Jiu stated her case fearlessly and shocked her audiences, she repeated her story which gave Dong Hua before but this time she added some details, all in all mean that she was attacked because heavenly boys thought she is only a fox spirit while they are high ranked of heaven clans so if they want her as a pet they should have her and if she decline they have the right to hurt and then kill her: “these all means power and nobility is the main reason of your behave, and since you don’t know your responsibility and others rights I ask for you to be punish by losing your ranks as heaven nobility also to be send to the mortal world as a mere mortal, so if you wish to become immortals you need to cultivate and achieve it.”
The boys begged her for forgiveness but she only looked at them and said in a cold voice, far away from her usual sweet and warm voice, “who knows how many you were wrong by now? This time I was lucky to survive and gifted by a family who can ask for justice for me, but if I really was a simple fox I would have died; of course my uncle would have known the truth that one of his people is missing but by then how can he find the truth or demand justice? You love your birth rank so much so you should lose it, you think you are above all because of your clan so you don’t deserve that either.”
Tian Jun found her voice and tone familiar with Dijun, same as her way of looking, he saw the respect in others eyes and devotion in Bai’s, he must have this girl, he decided for good this time.
At the end by the support of Bai Zhe and the verdict of Tian Jun, behind the sharp stares of Dijun, what Feng Jiu said was confirmed and boys were sent to accept their punishments. Tian Jun in a smart move, at least in his own imagination, said since this time the heavenly clan offended Ching Chu they will find a suitable way to apologize.
The real attention of Tian Jun made Dong Hua angry, he stared at him and was about to say something but Bai Zhe reacted first: as long as it’s not concerned with a marriage alliance we will hear heaven’s word.
Dijun smiled with his eyes and enjoyed the disappointed look of Tian Jun very much: what is wrong with a marriage alliance?
Tian Jun asked and Bai Zhe answered: Ching Chu’s children always are free to choose the one they want to marry and I’m sure none of my children are looking forward to get marry for a political matter and for my granddaughter I’m sure she will not accept to enter the heaven clan after how it wronged her and her people. But the Heavenly Kingdom has a long reputation for making peace by marriage alliance, so It’s better to not mention something impossible than to mention and then reject it.
Bai Zhe was quite satisfied with her granddaughter and proud of her, but something in Tian Jun’s eyes when he looked and Feng Jiu felt wrong, it feels like he is looking at something useful, something he want to add to a collection, so he takes it as his responsibility to secure Feng Jiu from all unwanted requests.
When Tian Jun heard Bai Zhe’s answer his face looked like he was forced to eat spicy food, the fox clan make him loose face twice today, but before he manages to say something he heard a cold and unhurried voice: be assured Bai Zhe Dijun, heavenly clan never offend Ching Chu by such an offer.
Bai Zhe bowed in gratitude and Tian Jun had no other way than to confirm what Dijun said, he dismissed the court and left immediately.
Feng Jiu looked up at the high seat where Dong Hua was, she smiled and blinked several times, today she finally was understood how high his position is but still when she looked at him she only saw the Dijun she knew, the one that rescued her and hugged her not long ago in his palace; “grandfather I think it’s better if I stay and thank Dijun properly” Feng Jiu said but her eyes were still on Dong Hua. Bai Zhe encouraged her to do that and said to his companion that they will return to Ching Chu without Feng Jiu.
Feng Jiu waited for everyone to leave before she walked toward Dijun, he stayed at his seat and watched her coming closer, a little smile in his eyes, Feng Jiu stopped in front of him and bowed: I thank Dijun for saving my life and granting me justice.
Feng Jiu waited for him to say something but when he didn’t she continued: now I owe Dijun a life debt, I am going to be sure to return it, although I don’t know how yet.
“little fox, a life debt isn’t something that you can play with, you should choose your words more wisely” Dong Hua said at last.
Feng Jiu looked annoyed: I know what a life debt means.
“so how are you planning on repaying me?” Dong Hua asked, now one of his eyebrows up!
“I will find a way but for now...” her voice died out, now he was too close to her, he walked to her step by step with each sentence of them and now he was standing too close for her to be good.
“now what little fox?” his voice loud just as a whisper and she answered before she can stop herself:” I wish to stay in Dijun’s room for one more night”
Dong Hua didn’t expect her to say that and it seems she didn’t either, but he asked why she wanted that and she answered the last time she felt so much peace that she wishes to experience that feeling once more. Dong Hua made a quick calculation and finally accepted her wish: “just for one day little fox” she screamed in happiness and hugged him around his neck: “you are the best Dijun” she said and looked up at his face with a big happy smile.
Dong Hua only shook his head and guided her toward Taichen palace. There she spent the day searching the palace and at the end announced that Dijun’s bed chamber is the best beside the palace’s orchid pond. They enjoyed the meal together and talked for a while, well Feng Jiu talked and Dijun only listened to be specific, but she enjoyed his company no less, she said she loves his room the best and he stared at her face, her eyes showing a great deal of innocence but her words! She is just a little girl, he reminded himself and instead of answering suggested that she go to bed since it was already late in the night.
Feng Jiu nodded and stood for him to join her, he watched her in amusement, “what are you waiting for little fox?” Dong Hua asked her and she said of course she is waiting for him to join her! Dong Hua had to remind himself that she is just a little girl again but still his eyes showed a bright tease in themselves. Still he walked with her to his room and offered it to her.
“Dijun why are you leaving?” Feng Jiu asked, “little fox it’s not appropriated for you to stay here with me for the night” Dong Hua sighed deeply before giving her explanation, she really seems unaware of reality, and her next question confirmed him: “we stayed together last night, and night before and before” he really wanted to tease her but resisted, she is just a little girl he remind himself for ten time in an hour: “yes, but you were unconscious and I have to stay so I can be sure of your wellbeing.” She was about to argue again but he cut her off: “come on now, be a good girl and go to the bed”
“where were you sleeping then?” she asked, “don’t worry I’m in the next room” he left then without giving her another opportunity to talk, but he underestimated her, she liked his room but she liked it when he was there with her, she liked his white sandalwood smell and want to feel it when she is asleep, so she waited for half an hour then shifted to her fox form and ran out of her room, she climbed on his bed and sneaked under his blanket, Dong Hua waited for her to find the position she want and when she finally was settled he said: “little fox you really are dangerous” he chuckled at her bold acts and gathered her in his arms, he gave in to her persistence. She is just a little girl, he reminded himself, again.
The next day Feng Jiu thanked Dong Hua for everything including his hospitality and left for Ching Chu. She invited him to visit Ching Chu but Dong Hua declined and said he prefers to stay in his palace but she is welcome to join him for a cup of tea once a while, they separated that way on good terms.
Dong Hua didn’t mention that he sealed her powers, he wanted her to figure it out by herself when she was ready. She was a playful soul and enjoyed travelling by her own, her accident with heaven boys give her hard time for a while but she needed to scape that drama, and thank to Dong Hua who came in time to save and calm her, she found it possible but in her attempt to deal with that drama she accidently found out that a part of her has been locked up and when she asked the one in guilt Dong Hua admitted and suggested her to travel in mortal world, that way her power will increase sooner than in immortal’s world and she will be able to free them sooner.
This was the way life was, for the next 15 thousands of years Feng Jiu was a regular visitor to both mortal realms and Taichen Palace, life was at peace and everything shiny! But the universe never likes to stay calm! She was 20 thousands years old when the bright side of life laughed at her and showed its harshness for the first time.
“princess you grow up beautifully” it was the words of Tian Jun, who choose the exact time as Feng Jiu to come to Taichen Palace and was bold enough to comment this way about Dijun’s guest in front of himself, Feng Jiu who get so much attentions and phrases both in immortal and mortal worlds could ignore the words of Tian Jun if his eyes hadn’t that look in them, he watched her like she is his meal and he is getting ready to enjoy this meal soon. His look was so obvious that made Dong Hua stand, he walked beside Feng Jiu and put his hand on her shoulder: princess I think it’s better for us to talk later, heavenly lord must have something important which made him come here without any further note.
Feng Jiu bowed and said: I will take my leave then.
Her behavior and tone of talking was more mature than years ago, Tian Jun thought and watched her figure from behind, ignorant of deadly stares at himself.
And this was the beginning of Bai Feng Jiu's hardship.

I always find my way back to you, A Dong Hua and Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now