Chapter 06

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One year passed in a blink of eye, Feng Jiu and her cousin bonded very well, it turns out Cui Fen is a mischief little fox always up to something and trying to trick others, if Feng Jiu didn’t become such a respectful goddess she would enjoy to company her cousin and have some fun especially in nine heavens. What a waste, but instead she took the rule once her aunt played for herself, she was Cui Fen mentor, best friend, sister, and a wise goddess who she looks up to. It took only a few months for her to move in to Ching Chu and ask to live with Feng Jiu. Suddenly Ye Hua had all the time with his wife he always wanted, his son was at his brother and now with his daughter at his niece in-law his wish finally came true, he was the happiest one of Feng Jiu’s return.
Feng Jiu felt warm being home again, she missed her family and had a lot to do but she couldn’t get why they insisted on knowing everything that she experienced during her travels. They keep asking her for some good stories, expecting her to still be her old self. She had a lot she wanted to say, she was away for thousands of years and lived two million different lives but that’s the point, it was too much for tell that make it impossible to put it in words, she was tired of all the inquisitive words and eyes and when she finally had enough of persistence she decided to go to someone who understand what is she saying and is tired of.
The guards bowed deeply to the queen of the eastern lands of Ching Chu and moving a side gave her entrance. Long time ago she was a guest of honor of Dong Hua Dijun for a while and now she was the only niece of their empress, the mentor of their young princess, even Dijun personally attended to her banquet, last year Zhong Lin came and gave them straight orders, “if the queen come you should let her in, immediately and politely”
Feng Jiu smiled at them and walked inside Taichen palace. She took a deep breath and watched her around with ennui. It has been a long time since she was here, last year she teleported inside and outside of Dijun’s chambers and missed the beauty of the palace, it was a well-known say, that the nine heavens have the most beautiful scenes while the Taichen palace is the coldest. But for Feng Jiu the most beautiful place was Ching Chu and the only warm place in nine heavens was Taichen palace.
She took her time to walk to Dijun’s study chambers and saw an unfamiliar figure coming in her way.
“greeting her highness the queen of Ching Chu, I’m Zhong Lin, the house keeper of Taichen palace.” The young man in front of her told while bowing respectfully.
“I remember Dong Hua had several maids but not a housekeeper.” She murmured before telling him to be at ease: I think we never met before.
Zhong Lin heard her first sentences as well as the last, the young goddess called Dijun by his name which means they don’t have an ordinary relationship.
“I’m afraid I wouldn't have the honor sooner, I was in mortal lands for a while” Zhong Lin said.
“Did Dijun make you live there for some honorable reasons?” Feng Jiu teased him, he was so straightforward to serve Dong Hua, it was obvious he’s the kind that makes no mistake so Dong Hua has nothing to be amused with. But the look in his eyes said that she was right, once again Dong Hua made someone do something for an honorable reason but again the person was in pain, she felt some kind of connection with the man she met just right now, patting his arm with her hand made him to stop and settled a privacy barrier around the two of them. Taichen palace wasn’t some place that people can come and go as they want or to eavesdrop on others conversations but still she felt it’s better to be sure no one can hear Dijun’s housekeeper's upcoming words.
Zhong Lin stepped back and looked in surprise. “I don’t know why he made you live in mortal worlds or for how long, I’m not a fan of his reasonable way to live but if he did what he did it only means he cares for you. From now on if he bullied you just come to me, you are important to him so you are important for me as well, beside I felt a connection with you, we both lived with his magnificent honorable way” Feng Jiu told, rolling her eyes at her last words. She could see how he needed someone to talk to, she was a victim of Dijun’s glories life too, she could guess how lonely the man can be.
She was the light itself, the warmth of a summer day and the sound of a beautiful melody, her spirit was all Dijun needed in his life. Zhong Lin thought and smiled at her keeping his silence and proper distance.
Feng Jiu brought down the shield and signed him to continue with their walk.
Zhong Lin followed her and saw an angry face of Dijun in front of his study room, he was out to greet her highness and saw them together under a shield, he could see the anger in Dijun’s eyes.
Feng Jiu neglect his angry gaze and instead give him a bright smile and watch him with love in her eyes, their last meet back to her first day in Ching Chu and she missed him a lot.
Dong Hua sighed and shook his head, his little fox was staring at him with complete love how he can stay mad at her.
Feng Jiu bowed her head and smiled again, Dong Hua welcomed her in the same way and asked her to enter. They sat across the room and waited in silence till the maids served them and left the room with zong lin.
Dong Hua closed the door using magic and turned to face her: what is it that brings her highness to my palace?
Feng Jiu: I needed someone to talk to.
Dong Hua didn’t expect this answer, she has a lot of friends, she knew they can’t have a relationship, and she was doing well in her own lands: talk about what little fox?
Feng Jiu: I have a question first.
Dijun: do ask.
Feng Jiu: were you always this quiet or you became this way after some while?
What kind of question was this that she asked him, he never thought about it, at first when he conjure out of four elements there was no one to talk to and he didn’t have the ability of talking either, long time after then he could talk if there were some good person to talk to, but all he could see around himself were monsters trying to eat him alive and again long after that, when there were normal persons too, he had to listen to them when they told their problems and asked for something of him, anything. So he never really had the chance to talk and later on lost the will to do so.
He didn’t know how to answer, no one ever asked him such a thing, to be honest no one ever asked anything about himself, he always was the powerful god who doesn’t need others attention and he used to the idea too, this little fox in front him was the first one who saw him as an individual person and not the former owner of realms. Feng Jiu could guess his thoughts: it’s just since I came back every one ask me to tell some good stories to entertain them but I can’t find words.
He understood her, she was in the state that didn’t want to talk anymore. When she wanted and needed someone they all left her alone, including himself, and now she was far away. They all lost their chance. But at the end wasn’t she here talking to him instead of her family and friends?
Dong Hua filled a cup of his tea and took it to her, he sat beside her and gave her the cup, he watched her face and silently asked her to take the cup. Feng Jiu stared at him and accepted the offering tea, she took a sip under the dagger of his eyes. 
Dong Hua sat there watching her in silence, giving her the comfort she needed the most. She was lost in her thought when sensed a light smoothing caress on her head, soothing her hairs. She was the rule broker indeed, she shouldn’t be here but she was and once again she was making him act in weird ways, she thought yet found herself leaning to him, seizing more comfort.
Dong Hua let her lean to his chest and rubbed her fist with his fingers, encouraging her to release her robe. She was exhausted, they asked her to grow up sooner and when she obeyed they asked her to grow back, that was impossible and another burden for her. On her journey she was on her own, who knows how much she suffered and what kind of lives she lived.
“little fox you don’t need to make everyone happy, if you don’t want to share your diaries then don’t.” 
He held her head at his chest by his hand: “I didn’t get a chance to choose if I want to be chatty or not, but for you I want you to be free and choose for yourself.”
It was all she needed to hear, she felt like a pendulum, sweeping between her reality and her family’s desire, she was this way all her life. She wasn’t disgraceful, as a princess she lived a free life but as a girl she had to keep on with lots of rules, she loves her family and knew they love her as well but love wasn't always the answer, just look at her and Dong Hua, they love each other but suffered a lot. She got it, as a princess she couldn’t always act as she wanted and because of Dong Hua’s status can’t have him but now she was ready to live by rules and suddenly her family wanted her other version.
Dong Hua soothed her by caressing her back, no matter how powerful she became at the end of the day the little girl inside her asked for comfort and she had to fulfill that all by herself.
Feng Jiu let herself to stay in his arms a little longer before rising up and leaving his study, much calmer.
In a few days she showed her rejection to her family, it was a family gathering and she left it sooner than other to walk anole and enjoy the peaceful night when Zhe Yan followed her and asked her to return to party, she rejected him and he said she is much different, always avoiding others even her family, he asked her to remember she is back at her home, he also told even her aunt who is much older than her is in better mood and not leave the party in the middle.
“Gu Gu gain uncle Ye Hua again then remembered she is with family, give me Dijun and I do the same... and if it’s impossible let me handle my life.”
She told and left the phoenix behind to stare in shock and regret, he felt shame how they missed the obvious, they wanted to be there for her and help her recover and back to her normal self, but the truth was playing right in front of them, they all missed the time to be for her and now she used to be alone. Later he told the fox family of Feng Jiu’s wish and finally they considered leaving the girl on her own.
Years came and gone, others used to unchatty Feng Jiu, the most powerful and strongest goddess of all realms. A few more years and she became the most powerful goddess of all the times and realms, she was in the highest position, shining and gracing others of her light... but all alone.
"like Dong Hua" this was the silent negligent denial.

I always find my way back to you, A Dong Hua and Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now