1. Single

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The Christmas party was in its dying stages at the office. People were beginning to bluff their excuses and holler cabs as the music was lowered and the drinks capped.

Zach sat on a secluded set of stairs outside. The wind carried the faint sound of laughter and bottles clanging together.

He met the bitter air eagerly, a sharp alternative to the stuffy heat of the party. Cigarettes butts were littered about on the floor and the scent of smoke was rife.

Zach sighed. The Try Guys were supposedly party animals, yet it was far from the truth. Perhaps in the days of Buzzfeed, when they were young with no clue of what was to come. Now, everyone had responsibilities hanging overhead.

Ned was a father - obviously. His life revolved around getting home for nap time and attending various parenting classes. Keith was a serious performer. His busy schedule contained rehearsals, interviews and vocal training. Eugene was simply Eugene. He remained illusive, but with a constant agenda.

Zach didn't have a clue.

"What are you doing out here?" A deep voice barked.

Zach turned his head to see Eugene lingering at the top of the stairs. He held an opened bottle in each hand, one extended to Zach.

"I was just too warm in there. Thought I'd sit here and cool off" Zach explained.

Zach took the beer and took a long swing, before smiling gratefully at Eugene.

"You were cold in a heatwave, Zach. Tell the truth or lie better." Eugene chuckled.

Zach gave a small smile and took another gulp of his drink. He looked over at Eugene, who was now sat on the step beside him and gazing distantly ahead.

"I think my virginity is growing back." Zach mumbled.

Eugene let out an audible laugh.

"What and you came out here to sort that out?" Eugene snorted.

"It's been nearly two years..." Zach trailed off.

"What's this got to do with you leaving the party?"

Zach hesitated. An evening of alcohol was dictating his decisions. He wasn't close with Eugene - he was almost scared of him. Eugene has a way of making you both nervous and at ease in the same stare. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking at any time - like an unpredictable animal.

"I hate it. I hate seeing everyone with a ring on their finger, or a girl linking their arm. I hate listening to stories about people getting a mortgage or finally tying the knot. All whilst I'm sitting here thinking about what leftovers are still good in the refrigerator." Zach confessed.

Eugene turned his head to Zach, a look of either sympathy or bemusement in his eyes.

"I'm not doing any of those things either. I live in a crappy apartment and spend more time petting my dogs than I do trying to find a date" Eugene said.

Zach laughed - he knew both of those things were true.

"You're different, Eugene. Nobody expects you to settle down. Hell, nobody even expects you to show up to work each day!" Zach admitted.

Eugene went quiet, busking in the truth of Zach's words. He caught the echos of the ending party, and Keith's voice blaring above the rest.

"Can you set me up with someone?" Zach asked, his beer bottle now empty on the floor.

"I'm gay, Zach. I know gay men who know more gay men. Unless you're switching teams, I'm not really the best matchmaker." Eugene grunted.

Zach smiled wistfully at the floor. He felt weirdly relieved to have admitted his concerns, and relate to Eugene on some level.

He looked up, to see Eugene standing over him, an arm outstretched. Eugene pulled Zach to his feet and pushed him back towards the office.

"There might still be some girls hanging around. I'll try get you talking to one." Eugene grumbled.

Zach turned to smile at him, but Eugene was already far ahead ahead of him.

Virginity - ZageneWhere stories live. Discover now