"Fine, I'll Go" (Fluff/Angst?) ᵔᴥᵔ

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So since they are at the age of what I like to call Grade 7 shots which I just found out are actually called a HPV shot and dTpa shots that you get when your in grade 7 or 8 depends on where u go.

Plus I kinda realised I'm always thinking of Norman Angst, idk why probably because half of the things would be true due to him being an albino.

Also, my friend and I came up with this at school enjoy.

(Norman Pov)

I was dreading this day ever since Isabella told me, Ray, Emma, Don, and Gilda. I've already planned on acting that I'm still sleeping so they can't take me, and if you're wondering why I'm acting like a child well it's because I literally have the body of a child ok, I'm a weak kid so everything hurts more than usual for me. I look at the alarm clock that sits on my bedside table, it read 7:08 am, soon mother will come into all the rooms and wake us up to have breakfast. I could hear her in the room next door waking them up, then she came into the one I'm in. I could hear everyone else in the room start to wake up, but I have to stay down to look like I'm very tired and need more sleep.

I thought I beat the system until I remembered Isabella comes back into the rooms to make sure everyone is up and if some aren't she will wake them up herself. It's a health priority in this house to make sure everyone has breakfast. I heard the door creak open then heals clicking the floorboards then silence after the heals stopped at my bed, I could feel a smirky glare beaming straight on me, I got nervous, could I really get out of this knowing mum she could easily see what I could be doing. "Norman are you still asleep or are you just pretending to get out of your vaccines?" oh god she figured it out fudge nuggets (I can't find Norman a swearing type, I kinda see him as badboyhalo, on how he would shout "Language" whenever someone swore).

"Norman, I know your not a big of vaccines, but could you please get up and have breakfast at least," mom was always so polite, how could I say no plus I am pretty hungry so fine. I sit up and looked up at her she thanked me, and I went and got dressed and headed down to the dining hall to have breakfast with the rest of the family. Once done I was about to head straight back in my room to hide but Ray grabbed my arm and pulled me to the lounge and said, "Hang out with us for a bit before we head off at 10 am." I so did not want to I just knew it was going to be a trap and once we were done and it was time to go, I would already be with them so they could easily drag me to the car. I tried to get out of Ray's grip, but he put on a stronger grip. "You're not getting away that easily Norman," " noooo, how did you know my plan~" "mother told me that you would probably run off and hide after breakfast." I just groaned in annoyance.

He sat me down on the couch with Don, Gilda, and Emma already there, and Ray came and snuggled onto me for 1 comfort and 2 so I won't escape. They decided to play a movie to pass the time quicker I told them no and that time should go slow but they all just glared at me and said in sync "it's better to get it over and done with than waiting and knowing about it for hours," I just sighed and agreed to watch the movie it would take my mind off it so why not. We decided on a comedy movie I personally love comedy so I'm glad they choose it.

Time skip to 9:30 am

(Ray Pov)

The movie had just ended, and I checked the time it was 9:30 am, I yelled out to mum "HEY MUM SHOULD WE BE GETTING READY NOW ITS 9:30!" I heard a faint yes please come from upstairs, so did the others especially Norman, he began to try and wiggle free from my grip but failed miserably. Then an idea popped into my head, instead of dragging Norman, I should humiliate him and carry him to the car and once we make it to our local GP. It will also be much easier to get him there. "Alrighty Norman, Let's get in the car," I hear him growl at what I said the others giggled at his behaviour, but I just ignored him and went to pick him up over my shoulder.

"Ahhh no, no, no, no!" Norman yelled and started lightly punching my back, as I walked to the front door, I could hear everyone behind laughing or saying good luck to us before we headed outside. Norman now just gave up and accept his fate at least that's what I thought till I had to fight him to get the seat belt on him and secured in so he couldn't undo it. Once I got it on I just death stared at him to try and tell him to not touch the seat belt, he obviously understood as he just pouted and looked to the front of the car. I used to think that he is just putting on an act, but once I found out that it's because of trauma from lambda and the fact he gets swelled up and bruised straight after I don't blame him for hating them.

Time skip to the GP

(still Rays Pov)

As we arrived, I noticed Norman shaking, I grabbed his hand and clenched it hard "Don't worry, I will be with you, I will always be." I spoke to try and get him to calm down a bit which surprisingly it did... a little. I was about to crawl over the top of Norman to get out and drag him till I heard him unbuckle his seat belt and stepped out of the car and waited at the doors for everyone else. We were all so shocked at this sudden change and wondering why he wasn't fighting back. "Can we hurry up and get this down with..." Mum was very proud of him, but I could still tell that he is internally panicking.

We finally were signed in for our HPV and dTpa shots (googled what the shots actually were because I had no clue, I just called them grade 7 shots lol) and now we are just playing the waiting game. After about 10 minutes we were called in, I took a glance at Norman, he did not look great, I'm pretty sure that he regrets ever leaving the car, or maybe the waiting room idk either, but at least he is cooperating now.

(Switch Povs To Norman)

Oh gosh I so regret this, I can't do this, but I'm already here no backing down now...

*Walks into room*

*Sees everything already set up*

*Regrets instantly and bolts out of there*

Nope, I can't, its too big, and sharp, and scary, and would probably hurt worse than a bee sting. Sorry Mum and Ray that I let you down, but I can't. I just kept running with my eyes closed not caring in the world where I was going, I just ran and ran and ran till I thought I was far away from that place, till I open my eyes and see that I'm floating in the air. I look around and I'm still at the front door, I was just being carried by one other doctor and made me think I was still running, I had no clue I swear my feet were touching the floor, how in the world.

"You thought you were running hey boy?" I just stayed quiet, he lifted me onto his shoulder and carried me back to mum and the others. I don't know what happened, but my body just gave up on working and I could feel tears falling from my eyes, huh I really must be that scared to the point I start crying. He placed me down on the bench I could hear mum say thank you to him, and saw Ray standing directly in front of my face, he had a worried expression on him. "Norman are you alright... your crying," he said wiping my tears as they kept falling. Everyone else turned around and look at me and felt bad, Ray especially though.

I got tolled everyone had already had their ones it was just me last like always, I felt Ray hug me from behind and laid me on his chest as he leaned on the wall. "How about we do this so if you're scared, I can just give you a big hug and your comfy or if you want, we can hug from the front." I like that idea, but I would rather like to be the one to squeeze you than the opposite. "um could we maybe hug like a proper hug, so I could squeeze you..." I saw him smile and nod "anything for my darling to feel safe," gosh what did I do to deserve you.

After a very rough time of pain and a lot of squeezing Ray nearly to death, it was finally over, but I'm not looking forward to the next few days, but I couldn't care less all I wanted to do is get out of there and go home. Till mum drove us into Macca's and got us each a mcflurry of our choice for doing a good job and being brave, well mostly me but whatever. I'm happy now. "Hey Norman," I turn to look at Ray and I felt a pair of lips on mine, I melted into it and soon felt the lips separate from mine. "That's for being really brave and cooperating today, and when we get back home, we can have some more fun if you like, only because you deserve it." I blushed hard like a tomato "oh yes please."

Sorry but not posting on this story for 2 months hehe wasn't busy just lazy, but hoped you enjoyed it and see you on the next chapter guys, gals and all non-binary pals.

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