the walk.

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picking up where last chapter left off.

" so how's stuff going at home" jordan ask trying to make conversation as we walk

" same old, same old, mom tells me what to do and i do it " i say smiling dully

" why? "

" what else am i supposed to do " i chuckle

" talk to her?..." he says confused

" it's not that easy. She's not like Mrs.Baker "

" well, at least your dad is nice " he says jokingly

" yeah thank God "

now it was silent and we were just walking.

" what about you?" I say breaking the silence

we had a while left until we got to my car so we might as well make the best of it.

" pretty good, except with my dad. Seems like I can't impress him to save my life, he always just focuses on Spencer. "

" well have you talked to him?" i say mocking what he implied earlier.

we laugh in sync

" wow, it's like we're opposites. You have problems with your mom and I have them with my dad," he says like it's some shocking new information

" crazy isn't it? " I say sarcastically

i look off into the view.

" I love the beach, it's so majestic."

" majestic??" he says laughing

" I know it's dramatic but I love it so much. Me, mom, & dad would spend hours out here as a family. Before stuff started going down hill you know?"

" I feel you, but sometimes you need a little light in your life. You always sound so sad. " he says smiling and walking backwards in front of me

I smile and feel my cheeks get hot so i put my head down, trying to hide the smile.

he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

" JORDAN PUT ME DOWN " i say while laughing and screaming

he starts running and now i'm uncontrollably laughing

he stops running and slowly puts me down.

" whew, what a workout" he says putting his hands on his knees while breathing heavily.

i check my phone to see how much time I have left until 5:30. It was half an hour till I had to get going, I'm glad, i hate to admit it but I was actually having fun with Jordan.

" I have 30 minutes left until it's time for me to be home, wanna race?" I say challenging him

he scoffs " are you serious? i'll dust you."

" umm that's a lie, i used to kill you in our foot races when we were kids. What makes you think i can't do it again."

he stops and gets down on one knee like he's about to run for his life.

" Oh? that's what we're doing? ok!" i say doing the same thing as him

" we're racing to to that pole."

" Bet. " he say's not saying another word

i know he gets competitive & i think it's pretty cute. (hints why i asked him to race)

" ready, set, go! " i say

we start running full speed towards the pole. Jordan is slightly in front of me but I don't mind, I did this for laughs and giggles.

we get to the pole and Jordan wins.

" i thought you were a killer at foot races?" he says making a frown.

i roll my eyes and laugh.

" yeah, yeah, whatever. " i say in a sarcastic tone

i look up and my car is right there

" Well, i guess this is my queue. Thanks for walking or you could say running me down to my car. I really appreciate it Jordan. "

" Anytime, not gonna lie i'm glad I came down with you. It was actually pretty fun"

my cheeks get slightly hot. " See you around Jordan. " I say with a dull smile, i'm kind of sad it had to come to an end. I wish moments like this could last forever.

" See ya, loser." he says shutting my door and walking away.

I watch him walk off into the distance and sigh. I turn my car on and put the AC on full blast. I get to thinking, maybe Liv was right.

AN: how do we feel about this chapter? I know I haven't updated in a while but i'm slowly trying to get better at updating. 🤎

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