The Escape

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Sam pocketed his communication device after informing Quackity of the intruder. His mind drifted to Ponk. He noticed that Ponky has been distancing himself from him, of course he does. He’s not dumb. He sighed, thinking of ways to woo him. A vibration came from his pocket. Right, work.


Technoblade was walking back and forth while Dream and Technoblade merely watched him. The pinkette abruptly stopped, “So, let me get this straight,” choosing his words carefully.

“Dream, like the traitor he is, knew The Great Shrek, because,” he paused, still processing the information.

“Take your time”, Dream said dismissively.

“Because, you. Dream, apparently last name ‘Minecraft Manhunt’, dated Sans.”

Dream threw his head back, a long groan escaped his lips, “It really isn’t that big of a deal.”

“Dream you dated a skeleton.”

“And you literally have a crush on an ogre.”

Technoblade blushed at that, his hands, everywhere. Trying to get his point across. “I-I-It’s not a crush! I-I just really really admire him! That’s all!”

“Uh-huh, sure. Anyways,” Dream turned to Shrek, “So, Sam huh?”. Now it was Shrek’s turn to blush, “I-it’s not what you think! He’s just very cool!”

“Yeah, and I'm not in love with George." Dream said nonchalantly.

Techno whipped his head, "What."

"What?" Dream raised an eyebrow to the pig.

"Who?" Shrek.

"Anyways," a fairy flew by, nice transition there. Thanks, I don't really try.

The lava wall that separated them from the outside world fell, a warm breeze filled the room. The warden on the other side, sending the bridge over.

"Get on losers."

"All of us?"

"Yeah, it's called a plot hole, now hurry up."


Shrek stumbled down from the obsidian, Sam's quick reflex took hold of his waist, making his face heat up.

"Careful there."

Shrek squeaked out a weak "Okay." Dream smiled teasingly while Techno's fuming with jealousy. 

Sam led them outside, not  bothering to return any of their belongings. Shrek walked beside him while the other two whispered between them.

Sam tightens his hold on his trident, "So, Shrek, right?"

Shrek felt his heart stopped, his knees weak, arms heavy, mom's spaghetti, "Haha, Sh-shrek, th-that's me, haha." Stumbling over his words. He mentally slapped himself, what the fuck was that?

The warden didn't seem to mind, "Sorry about locking you up there, I was following protocols."

"Anytime, haha". The ogre said absentmindedly.


Shrek just wants the ground to open and swallow him, what the fuck did he really say that out loud? "I meant-"

"Yo Sam, are we really just, free?" Dream piped in, saving Shrek from further embarrassment.

"Oh, yeah. Just like, come back to cause chaos or something."

"I'm down with that. Techno you alright?"

Techno's right hand formed into a fist while the other rested on his chest. Tears were flowing down his face, "I, John Oink Technoblade Billiams XIV, swear to save Shrek from the evil known as Sam Creeper Oh man I."

As he finished, he fled, leaving the others confused. Dream shrugged, "Welp, that's the motive I guess, see you guys later."

A/N : owo. uwu. this is a cry for help

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