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'I have fallen from sky,
Fallen to the ground,
I am the angel of sadness,
Angel of lost hopes,
Angel of lost dreams,
I am the fallen angel,
Fear me not,
I am here for reason,
That reason is to have a second chance in life,
That life I was given for a reason'
- Jennifer Cook

The crystal stone cast a lilac glow over the place. The boy from her dreams stood besides it waiting for Cordelia to do something. The sound of water in the background green creepers on the walls, they all started to fade away as she moved towards the glowing lilac. She could hear a faint screaming behind her. If only she could stop and look. But she was fixated on the stone. She could just walk towards it. She extended her hand to touch it and suddenly the muffled background voice got clear. Someone was calling her.

"Cordelia? Are you awake?"

Cordelia slowly opened her eyes. The light was too harsh on them. She blinked to clear her vision and saw a worried looking Eiden looming over her.

Cordelia looked around and saw that she was in an unfamiliar room with white curtains and soft shadows.

"Where are we?" Cordelia asked groggily.

"Oh Cordelia I'm soo glad you finally woke up. How are you feeling?" Eiden grabbed her hands as he showed his concern.

Cordelia remembered the vampires from before. She felt like the pain was crushing her that time. How does she feel alright now? Was it a ten year later scenario like the dramas!? Was she in coma and everyone be going on with their lives!?

Cordelia freaked out and grabbed Eiden's face and made him look at her. She looked at his confused face to see signs of ageing. When she saw nothing she remembered Amber's mom once saying how Eiden looks like he'll be young forever. And she panicked again.

"Just break the news tell me what year it is and who did this to my bedroom!?" Cordelia yelled in Eiden's face.

Eiden looked flustered and confused as his head grasped what Cordelia just said. As the realization sunk in, Eiden burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing!? Is it like 10 years???" Cordelia looked very frightened.

"How many dramas have they fed that one?" Came a voice from the door.

Cordelia watched as Ivan walked into the room. A smirk plastered on his face.

"What is he doing in my house? Did you become friends with this guy? He's dangerous Eiden!"

Cordelia suddenly went wide eyed and her hand flew to her mouth as she looked from Ivan to Eiden, both standing side by side. " OH MY GOD! Are you two together!? Did you come out gay Eiden!? I missed it all!?" She shrieked.

Eiden and Ivan looked at each other and quickly shifted apart.

"Stop with your assumptions lady. You were out for a night. It was only last night that you were attacked by the vampires." Ivan said.

"But I don't understand. I was hurt real bad." Cordelia asked bewildered.

"He gave you some woodoo liquid an-and you went all patching up your wounds." Eiden said, "And they say that supernatural things exist! I wouldn't have believed it but last night those people in the alley... Are you a vampire Cordelia? Is that what the mark is?"

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