theres only one chapter lol

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It was written in the stars

You cannot tell me it was not

Because I won't believe you and neither will the lot

The most cliche thing to exist didn't work

Though him in my thoughts popped up like clockwork

There was so much i could've said on that carnival night

But I kept my mouth shut tight

His blue shorts walked past me

And multiple times did it catch me

The white shirt I was sure he sister chose

He wore it handsomely and unopposed

Not like the red shirt that took me hours to try

Not one of my friends seemed to reply

Behind the scenes no one cared about me

So I left the group to conversate with the bees

To my friends my boy did not matter

But all the other boys were who they wanted to flatter

I should've made the first move

I should've acted like one of the dudes

But I had no idea what to say

Or even if my hair swayed the right way


I don't think I could've done much

I was nervous like any cowardly such

5'9 in height

But small in heart

Because I couldn't muster up the courage to make a start

And there was so much I could've said on that carnival night

But I kept my mouth shut tight

I made a point to walk past her

A silent plead I thought she understood for sure

But she walked right passed

She ignored me

I'm not sure how she spent the following weekend

Bu talking to ne was not part of how it was spent

And away we drifted

Oh how the demeanor shifted


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