8d audio |american horror story|

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this is written in the way of how i would react to this situation... i do technically fall under the neurodivergent umbrella (dyslexia) but i'm definitely not one for labelling/self diagnosing things so... this is purely just written in the exact way i am when listening to it with sound canceling headphones...

billie dean howard
- you'd be up in your bedroom when she found you "hey babydoll, what are you listening to?" she'd ask not realising that you can't hear her
- she would move into your eye line, slowly bending down with a smile
- "what you listening to baby?" she would ask again when you'd taken your headphones off
- "8d audio" you would reply with a massive grin "it moves" you continue, your hands fidgeting with excitement
- "oh can i have a listen to baby?" she would ask, wanting to experience it just as much as you "sure, just quickly" you'd reply
- she would let you pick a song, smiling when you put on her favourite
- "oh that's amazing babydoll, you enjoy, i'm just going downstairs for a bit" she says, wanting you to go back to enjoying the music
- "can i come down with you, but still listen to it?" you'd ask in a hopeful tone "sure baby come on" she'd answer, taking your hand and leading you downstairs
- she would sit you down on the sofa "you enjoy baby, i'm just going to do some work" she says, while leaving a kiss on your head

lana winters
- lana would be confused at first, wondering why you weren't answering her
- she'd make it up to your office before it clicked, you probably had headphones on
- "darling" she'd say and when you still didn't reply, she would lightly place a kiss on your head
- "oh hey banana" you'd say with a laugh "what is it you're listening to darling?" she'd ask, lana already knew, it was what you always did when you came home
- "8d audio baby" your fingers starting to tap on the desk "oh the one that moves?" she'd ask, your face lighting up at the fact of her remembering
- lana would leave you to it, disappearing for a while, before coming back with her laptop and sitting next to you
- "can i work next to you?" she'd ask, not wanting to disrupt the quiet time you were having
- "yeah sure baby" would be your answer, leaning over to place a kiss on her head
- lana would love seeing you so content and she'd find the slight fidget in your hands so adorable

cordelia goode
- delia would be so sweet about it
- she'd sit with you and let you explain it all, the way it works and how people make it happen
- she would check that you were listening to it for fun and not because you were blocking something out
- "no dee, just want to listen to it" you'd answer, giving her cheek a kiss
- she would sit next to you and you'd let her pick songs for you, she'd make sure to check on the volume every so often
- "not to loud baby" she'd say, not wanting you to hurt your ears
- after the first day she found you, she would go off and make a playlist, adding her favourite songs to it
- "baby look, i made this for you" she'd say as she sent you a link "oh my god dee, thank you" would be your reply as you pulled her into a hug
- delia would find you a few days later, sat on the sofa, headphones on, your head swaying from side to side, hands tapping with a massive smile on your face
- "hey sweetheart, how's the playlist" she'd ask that night "really good thank you dee, i love you so much"
- she would always find you somewhere with you headphones on
- she had one rule, if you were listening, you have to tell her, because then she would know why you weren't replying
- you'd happily walk into her office each time, when she was working you'd just show her your headphones and blow her a kiss
- "i love you sweetheart" she would always say, anytime she saw you with them on

audrey tindall
- audrey would find it so cute
- seeing your reactions would be her favourite, she would love your smile and bouncing legs
- she would have loads of pictures of you, headphones on smiling wide
- after a while she would be able to decipher what playlist you were listening to, by your movements alone
- in her sweet british accent she would say "you enjoying it darling, you look very happy" you would enthusiastically nod your head in return
- you would find her one day, sat at the kitchen counter, listening to it herself "i just wanted to experience it as well darling" audrey would say "i can see why you like it so much"
- she would always check the reason for you listening "i don't want my girl to be sad" she'd exclaim
- on christmas you would find a new pair of headphones under the tree, expensive, noise cancelling ones "oh my god audrey, thank you" you'd say while grabbing her face for a kiss
- one time she decorated your bedroom, putting up lights and lighting candles, knowing you'd had a stressful week
- she left you in there to calm down, giving you your headphones saying "just relax baby, i'll come back in a minute, i'm going to order us some food"
- it would make your realise how lucky you were, she would do anything for you

ally mayfair-richards
- ally would know the reasons behind why you like it so much
- she would help you to calm down and give you your headphones "go listen to your music gorgeous" she'd say
- she would have made you a playlist, full of your favourite songs and some of hers
- there would be times when you needed complete darkness, she would know this and would have brought black out blinds purely for that reason
- "go on beautiful, the bedroom is all ready, i'll be up in a minute"
- she would have laid out your stuff, making sure your IPad is charged and put out some pj's for you as well
- when she made it upstairs, she'd sit up against the headboard "come here baby" she would gesture to her lap, knowing that made you feel safe
- "just enjoy baby, i'm not going anywhere" you would cuddle into her chest, slowly rocking your head with the music
- ally would find it adorable, loving how calm it made you, knowing that was a difficult task
- when you'd had enough you would tap her arm, her hands would reach for the headphones, carefully taking them off
- "you had enough gorgeous?" she would ask, placing a kiss on your forehead
- you would nod, turning to hide in the crook of her neck
- "i love you" you would both say at the same time

wilhemina venable
- mina would be confused at first
- "why isn't she answering me" she would say to herself in an angry tone
- when she found you though her heart would melt
- you would be sat in her office, your headphones plugged into her laptop, slowing tapping your leg to the music
- "little one, are you okay?" she would say, you could hear her now, your headphones not being noise cancelling
- "i'm fine mina, sorry i was listening to my music" she would lean to rest her chin on your head
- "it's okay little one, just tell me next time, i was worried"
- she would find you again, this time on the sofa, with a huge grin and your fingers rubbing on one another
- "little one, i've got you a present" she would say while reaching behind her back
- she would pull out a box, wrapped in brown paper and purple ribbon
- "oh my god mina, you didn't have to" you'd say when your saw the headphones "oh my god, these are so expensive" she would just smile
- the truth is she found all of this very endearing "i see how happy it makes you, i wanted to surprise you"

misty day
- she would get her own headphones and play fleetwood mac through them
- she would love watching your cute reactions to the music moving
- misty would be quite similar, she would be equal as happy when listening to it
- "this is the best thing ever sunshine, it's like stevie's actually here" she would comment
- she would make you both a playlist
- "i love seeing you so happy baby" she would say one day, when she found you in the garden
- "i don't know why i love it so much, it makes me feel the music" you would say, she understands this, having similar reactions to things
- you would both love listening together and would buy a connector so you could listen at the same time
- her favourite thing would be your little squeal that you'd make when the beat of the song dropped
- "enjoying it baby" she'd ask when you'd look in her direction
- you'd nod, throwing her a big smile and giving her knuckles a kiss

wc~ 1469
thanks for reading 🌙

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