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This book is a prequel to Survivors (Clementine X Male Reader) Rewrite.

If you have not read that book yet, I suggest you do. Unless you are from the future and this book is already completed, then you can read this first if you want.

This book will show Y/N's adventure when the walkers started walking up to where Survivors Rewrite starts off.

This book will feature every OC that was in Survivors Rewrite, including new characters.

This book will not feature ANY TWDG character!!! This is fully my characters. Y/N's own story, his own adventure. No Clem, no AJ, no Ericson kids, just Y/N and OCs.

This book will also reveal how Y/N suffered his injuries that he has in Survivors Rewrite, how he met New Haven, etc.

I hope this book interests you. I'll see ya when I start making it!

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