Chapter 3

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Drew's pov.

I woke up wrapped in Jonathan's arms. I slowly got up moving as carefully as I could so I wouldn't wake him up.

After I successfully got up without waking up Jonathan I went to the bathroom to brush me teeth and then I put my shoes on and left.

I got in my car and sent a quick text to Zooey telling her I was coming over.

As a drive to Zooey's I thought about what I was going to say. I feel so bad about breaking up with her but I love Jonathan.

Before I knew it I was at Zooey's. I got out of the car and walked up to her door. As soon as I knocked on the door Zooey opened it and kissed me.

I stopped her before things went any further.

"Zooey we need to talk," I told her.

"Ok baby what do you want to talk about?" she questioned.

"I feel really bad about this but," I took a deep breathe before continuing. "I think we need to break up," I finished

Zooey looked down at the ground for a moment before looking back at me and speaking, "is this about Jonathan?" she questioned.

She didn't seem mad which was surprising, but it was good she wasn't mad.

"Why are you asking?" I asked her

"I always thought you two might have something going on, I'm not mad I just want to know if that was the reason," she said simply.

"You don't think it's... weird?" I asked her at of insecurity.

"It's not normal but I can tell how much you guys care about each other just by looking at you. If he makes you happy go be with him." She said confidently.

"Thank you Zooey, you don't know how much this means to me," I said and hugged her.

"You're welcome Drew. I love you," She said before pulling back from the hug.

I started getting up to leave, "I love you Zooey no matter what you'll always be in my heart," I told her sincerely.

"Same here, goodbye Drew."

"Goodbye Zooey."

Hey guys!!! I just wanted to say thank you so much for the love and support!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺💗💗💗🤞🤞🤞🤞

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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