Chapter 1

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It was raining heavily in Port Royal. Two girls, one, a honey-brown haired bride, and the other, a raven-haired bridesmaid, stood at the altar, staring silently at the horizon.

Hearing the sound of heavy footsteps behind them, they turned and saw William Turner being brought in shackles to the open chapel with a stone archway at the back which provided shelter from the tropical rain.

Without a word, the two of them ran to him.

Olivia Thomas placed a hand on his shoulder while Elizabeth Swann ran her hands over his collar and shoulders to see whether he was hurt, still caring for him even though she longed for a certain pirate.

Elizabeth muttered, "Will."

As glad as she was that her wedding will not be happening any time soon, Elizabeth was angry and confused as to why Will was arrested.

Olivia asked with wide eyes, "What is going on?!"

Will looked at her hazel eyes and got lost in them as he replied, "I don't know."

Blinking to break himself from the trance, Will turned to Elizabeth with a smile, trying to be positive, "You look beautiful."

A watery smile grazed her lips as she spoke in a broken voice, "I think it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding."

Will was overjoyed that he will not be marrying Elizabeth soon as he was steadily falling for Olivia and wished to marry her instead, but he still had to make sure that Elizabeth is safe and alright.

They then saw governor Swann and Mr. Thomas pushing through the crowd, shouting, "Make way! Let us through!"

They were met with two soldiers crossing their polearms, blocking their way.

Noticing an official wearing a black cape as a raincoat, Governor Swann ordered, "How dare you! Stand your men down at once! Do you hear me?"

The man then turned, giving the coat to a nearby soldier. He had cold, cruel blue eyes and an arrogant smile on his pale, harsh face, "Governor Weatherby Swann, Mr. Thomas, it's been too long."

Governor Swann furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Cutler Beckett?"

He smugly corrected, "It's lord now, actually."

The two soldiers lifted the polearms, allowing them to walk to the young couple and their friend.

Mr. Thomas' usually kind hazel eyes were filled with fury as he spoke coldly to Beckett, "Who in their right mind made you a lord?! You are a monster!"

Beckett raised an eyebrow at him, "I see that your hot temper still hasn't cooled down, Mr. Thomas."

Mr. Thomas glowered at him as the governor stepped forward and insisted, "Lord or not, you have no reason and no authority to arrest this man."

He smiled haughtily, "In fact I do."

He then called out, "Mr. Mercer?"

Mr. Mercer, who seemed to be Beckett's right-hand man, brought a leather file which he opened, showing some documents inside.

Beckett took the topmost one and, reading it, handed it to the governor, "The warrant for the arrest of one William Turner."

The governor looks at the paper and looks again, momentarily at a loss as he spoke in disbelief, "This warrant is for Elizabeth Swann!"

He nonchalantly responded, "Oh, is it? That's annoying, my mistake."

Taking the paper back, he ordered, "Arrest her."

Curiosity (Sparrabeth/WillTurnerxOC) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now