Chapter 4

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Jack, Elizabeth, Olivia, Norrington, Pintel and Ragetti were on a longboat, rowing towards the deserted island. Jack was in the front, sitting back-to-back with Pintel and Ragetti who were rowing the boat at different speeds.

Olivia watched as the two pirates started bickering.

Ragetti remarked, "You're pulling too fast."

Pintel retorted, "You're pulling too slow. We don't want the kraken to catch us."

Ragetti defended, "I'm saving me strength for when it comes. I don't think it's kraken anyways. I always heard it said kraken."

Curious, Pintel asked, "With a long 'a'?"

Ragetti nodded, "Uh huh."

Pintel shook his head, "Nuh nuh nuh. Kraken's how it's pronounced in the original Scandinavian."

As Olivia hid a smile, Elizabeth and Norrington looked at each other with a face that clearly said, should we really endure this till we reach the island?!

Ragetti rolled his eyes, "But we ain't original Scandinavians, are we? Kraken!"

Pintel insisted, "It's a mythological creature, I can call it what I wants."

Already nervous because of her almost kiss with Jack, Elizabeth snapped, "Would you two please stop your bickering?! It's driving me insane!"

Arriving at theisland, they docked the boat and decided that Olivia, Elizabeth, Norrington and Jack would go onto the island to search for the chest.

Leaving Pintel and Ragetti to guard the boat, the four of them walked onto the island with Jack and Norrington carrying the two spades and Olivia, the compass.

Olivia and Jack walked ahead of the two, each in their own thoughts.

Seeing a rundown church in the distance, Norrington remarked to Elizabeth, "I didn't expect anyone to be here."

Elizabeth looked up and noticed what he was staring at, "There's not."

Norrington raised an eyebrow, "Do you know this place?"

She explained, "Stories. Isla Cruces. The church came to the island and brought salvation. And disease. And death. They say the priest had to bury everyone, one by one. He went mad and hung himself."

He replied, "Better mad with the rest of the world than sane alone."

She narrowed her eyes at him.

Just then she heard a familiar, rough voice behind her, "Don't fraternize with the help, love."

She turned around to see him smirking at her, making her blush.

He gestured for her to go in front of him with Olivia, who was watching her. She glanced at Norrington one last time and walked up to Olivia.

Olivia and Elizabeth walked in front with Olivia watching the compass hand spin around.

Olivia whispered, "I saw you blush when Jack spoke to you."

Elizabeth looked at her out of the corner of her eye and shook her head with a smile on her face.

Jack stepped onto a nearby sand dune while Norrington and Elizabeth stood to the side and watched Olivia walk around with the compass in hand.

Looking at the compass, Olivia noticed that it had stopped spinning and pointed directly in front of her.

She pointed at the ground, "This is where the chest is, according to the compass."

Curiosity (Sparrabeth/WillTurnerxOC) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now