Chapter 5

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Will was laid down on the trap door that led below deck on the Pearl with Elizabeth and Olivia sitting on either side of him.

He woke and met a pair of hazel eyes filled with relief staring at him. He then looked to his right and saw Elizabeth sitting next to him, relieved that he's safe.

He smiled at both of them.

Remembering what happened before, he asked, "What happened to the chest?"

Sadness filled her face as Olivia replied, "Norrington took it to draw them off."

Will's eyes widened even though he remained silent.

The two girls helped him stand up just as a sea weed covered, soaking wet, decayed, old ship emerged from the ocean with a loud splash and anchored next to the Pearl: The Flying Dutchman.

Suddenly, Jack called out, "Oi, fish-face!", making the tentacle-faced captain of the Dutchman look at him with a raised eyebrow and look of incredulity on his face.

Olivia watched as Jack held up his jar of dirt and taunted Davy Jones, his signature grin grazing his lips, as he walked, "Lose something? Eh, scungilli?"

He wasn't looking where he was going and fell down the stairs, making his crew grimace and Elizabeth look at him in concern.

Standing up as if nothing happened, he held up the jar, "Got it."

He continued walking down his ship, grinning at Jones, "Come to negotiate, have you? You slimy git. Look what I got."

He walked past the trio who looked at him as if he was crazy while he continued in a sing-song voice, "I got a jar of dirt. I got a jar of dirt. And guess what's inside it."

Having enough of Jack's antics, Jones spat to his crew, "Enough!"

His crew opened the gun port of the Dutchman in response, making Jack say out of the corner of his mouth, "Hard to starboard."

Elizabeth repeated his command at the top of her voice to his crew, "Hard to starboard!"

Will added, "Raise up the foreyard!"

As Will, Olivia and Elizabeth rushed to help the crew, Mr. Gibbs started to turn the wheel furiously, trying to escape the Dutchman.

Just as the Pearl turned away from the Dutchman, its crew started firing cannons at the Pearl with one blasting right through the captain's cabin.

Elizabeth ran up the stairs to the wheel as they were slowly getting away from the Dutchman.

As the Dutchman started firing from its triple guns, Jack rushed up the stairs to the wheel and, pushing away Mr. Gibbs who was slowly turning the wheel, took control.

Elizabeth watched with admiration as Jack quickly spun the wheel this way and that, making the Pearl sail with the wind, enabling them to go faster as the Dutchman kept on firing cannons.

She then leaned over the railing and saw the Dutchman far off as Will, Olivia and Mr. Gibbs also came to see the Pearl swiftly moving further away from the ghost ship.

Elizabeth commented, "She's falling behind."

Mr. Gibbs replied with joy, "Aye! We've got her!"

Olivia looked at him in surprise as Will asked curiously, "We're the faster?"

Mr. Gibbs nodded, "Against the wind adjustment she beats us. That's how she takes her prey. But with the wind – "

Olivia interjected, "We rob her advantage."

Curiosity (Sparrabeth/WillTurnerxOC) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now