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It had been a couple more months since the night of the dinner and Damon had once again left again for the military.

Valerie was upset about this, but she also thought it was for the best, if he was there that meant Giuseppe couldn't get to him, as much as they both hated it

A few weeks before, Valerie had been told by Giuseppe that another woman was going to be arriving at the Salvatore estate. She was an orphan girl who had lost her family and was hoping for a place to stay. He had told her to make sure the girl felt welcomed and comfortable when she arrived.

The weeks had passed, and the woman was to arrive soon.

Stefan and Valerie stood waiting outside the house on the doorstep. A carriage pulled up in front of them and the door was opened by the driver to reveal a darker skinned woman. She wore a green corseted dress and top hat.

Next, a lady with chocolate brown hair stepped out of the carriage. Valerie could tell immediately by her almost immediate eye contact and the way she held herself with her head high, that this was not a grieving woman.

Stefan hurried down the steps and did a small bow to the beautiful girl. "You must be Miss Pierce," he gave a charming smile.

Valerie walked up behind him slower, her eyes calculating. She analysed the women before her, watching her movements. The woman had an almost ethereal like grace to her movement, something Valerie had seen many times before.

Valerie's eyes lingered on the women's jewellery, taking notice of the necklace around her neck. She sighed in relief as she realised it wasn't made of lapis lazuli, a stone used to make daylight rings. A fact Valerie had come across during her training.

"Please, call me Katherine." The brunette's voice was soft, and she smiled sweetly at the man in front of her, holding out a hand.

Valerie's eyes narrowed as she caught sight of the shining ring on the girl's finger. She soon scowled as the familiar deep blue stone glimmered in the sunlight. Vampire.


Valerie, Caroline, and the human doppelganger had been talking lightly about many things for around half an hour. They got on the topic of Valerie and the Salvatore's relationship; they already knew the basics; that she knew them when they were human and was also turned in 1864, when Stefan and Damon were. She didn't tell them much more, only that she worked for the Salvatore's father, and she and Damon were close and that she also didn't like Katherine.

Some of the time she felt the doppelganger staring a hole into the side of her head but that was mostly when she was telling the story of a food fight she had got into with Damon. Caroline had burst out laughing when she told them he had tripped over icing he had thrown at her. But other than that, she didn't hate their company, and by their, she meant Caroline. She could clearly see the doppelganger had something against her, but she didn't really know what.

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