The Fight

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Bang Bang Bang (Y/N knocking on the door) Kobe opens the door
Y/N: Seriously, having someone go undercover for you to get info on something I could've just given you, and oh, a freaking camera. Really?
Kobe: You could've told me
Y/N: It wasn't important!
Kobe: It is to me! You ain't never do that for me before and I'm your bestfriend!
Y/N: You aint never ask me to
Kobe: Shouldn't have to ask to
Y/N: We're not even a thing
Kobe: Why couldn't you just choose someone? Why haven't you not chose me?
Y/N: I don't want to choose, I can't choose, I won't choose. So I can pick one, and the others leave
You began to storm out the room, as derek is walking in. Kobe grabs you.
Y/N: Get off me!
You walk out, and head to your siblings room.
Derek: What just happened?
Kobe: She didn't choose me
Ballo: She didn't choose no one, let her just leave it at that
Kobe walks out heading to his room, slamming the door shut.
Derek: Wha-
Ballo: You don't wanna know...

(Sadly this is all I have for now, soon I'll be making a "Book 2" continuing this story when I get the chance and figure out the rest of the story, I hoped you all enjoyed yourselves reading this , maybe Derek, Ballo and Kobe will get the chance to see this story as well so, thank you for reading if you reached this far ❤️❤️😘)

My social
Instagram: izcapriii
TikTok: ToyChicalove705 (I know, I gotta change it 😂❤️)

Derek's Socials

Tiktok: DerekTrendz
Instagram: DerekTrendz
SnapChat: DerekTrendz
Twitter: DerekTrendz
Youtube: DerekTrendz

Ballo's socials

TikTok: Prettyboiballo
SnapChat: Prettyboiballo
Instagram: Prettyboiballo
Youtube: Prettyboiballo
Twitter: Prettyboiballo

Kobe's Socials

TikTok: Kbreeezo
Youtube: Kbreeezo
Instagram: Kbreeezo
Snapchat: Kbreeezo
Twitter: Kbreeezo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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