That Day

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Kobe heads out the door as Ballo walks in. They do a little hand shake or whatever.
Y/N: Hey ballo
Ballo: Hey, ima stay with you for the night if thats fine
Y/N: All good
Ya'll end up watching movies till 2:27 am in the morning. You are slowly falling asleep. Ballo then says...
Ballo: I can't sleep
Y/N: Here, come, lay down
Ballo lays down on Y/N's chest and she rubs his head grooming his head with her fingers and they both end up falling asleep.
The Next Day
Your awoke and Ballo wakes up 10 minutes later.
Ballo: Oh my bad, I think I drooled on you
Y/N: It's okay, but come you got dried spit all over your face.
Ballo follows you to the bathroom, you grab a clean rag and end up washing his face. As your washing his face, he staring you in the eyes and you stare back and pause, you then look away and make a little cough. But you smile. You guys then leave the bathroom to go lay back down.
Ballo: Why are you like this (he laughs)
Y/N: Like what
Ballo: Perfect, like theres nothing someone could do wrong to hurt you, your just mad gentle with everything you do
Y/N: ...
Ballo: I don't know
Y/N: That's just me I guess (you laugh)
Yall both staring at each other in the eyes, silent of words, Ballo leans in kissing you but you don't move away, you end up kissing back for a good minute and then you say...
Y/N: Wait, stop, we can't
Ballo: Why
Y/N: We just can't
Ballo: But why
Y/N: Because I can't choose, I just cant
Ballo: What do you mean
Y/N: Exactly what I said. I can't choose. I know that you, kobe, and derek like me. And I can't choose between the three of you. Choose one, lose the others, and I need all of you in my life.
Ballo looks away sadly and notices a camera in the front of the room, pointing right at them.
Ballo: Hey follow me real quick
He takes Y/N to the door of the bathroom, next to the dresser with the camera on top. Y/N says what and he tries to quiet Y/N down. He begins making a camera with his hands and points to the camera on the dresser. Y/N is still confused on what Ballo is trying to do. Ballo pulls Y/N into the bathroom and shuts the door.
Y/N: What!
Ballo: There's a camera on the dresser near the red shirt watching us
Y/N: oh, well what do we do
Ballo: See here, the thing is I was sent by Kobe to sleep with you last night to figure out what happened with you and derek when he couldn't go to sleep, but I didn't know Kobe did all that now.
Y/N: Really?! Yall have just nothing else better to do with ya'll lives
Ballo: Hey dont get mad at me, this was all Kobe
Y/N: Where is he?
Ballo: My room
Y/N: Take me
Yall head over to Ballo's room

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