Sanzu Haruchiyo one shot smut

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|| Content Warning: Firearms, Drugs, Violence and Blood. ||

"God fucking damn it." You cursed under your breath.

It was another unsuccessful day. The anonymous tip you got from someone was false. You spent the whole day tailing someone who wasn't even involved in the drug crime you were supposed to be investigating. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves.

"Okay. I apologize. You can go now." You told the poor man you mistook for a criminal.

You watched him walk away as you stand in a dark alley way alone. Frustrated, you lean your back on the cold wall and let yourself slid down into a crouched position. You wrapped your arms around your knees and buried your face on your arms. Dad is gonna be so fucking mad. You thought.

You're the child of the chief police officer stationed in the Tokyo prefecture. It was your dream to be just like him. Inspired by the way he lead people and how he solved multiple crime cases. You followed his path and you would be lying if you said that you got into this position without his help. BUT you made sure to work just as hard as everyone else and never took his benefits for granted.

You sighed again at the thought of disappointing your father. This case is super important to him. Every little mistake you make and every minute that passed matters.

Reminiscing about your beginnings doesn't even matter right now. You thought. You stood up and fixed your cap, dusting your clothes as you walk your way out of this shitty alley way.

"Ow-" you flinched. You bumped into someone, not noticing them as you were still fixated on dusting your clothes.

"Sorry." The stranger apologized. Their voice was muffled due to the mask they were wearing.

You apologized in return. You walked away as soon as you apologized as it was starting to get late. You still had to report your findings at the headquarters tomorrow.


You rolled your eyes in annoyance. You're going to have to wear your fomal police uniform today. You've already showered and fixed your hair into the classic policewoman bun.

In dread, you still reached for the hanged uniform in your closet. You sling your arms into the long sleeve blouse and continued to button it down. Followed with the tight pencil skirt, you shimmied it up to your waist. This fucking patriarchal society. Why does our formal uniform have to be a fucking skirt. You thought.

You hooked the clasp in the back and zip the skirt up. You grabbed your coat and neatly sling it on your arm while you hold your handbag in the other.

The hard wood floor clacks as you walked. I fucking hate this. You thought. Referring to the fact that policewomen still had to wear skirts and heels for no obvious purpose.

You stopped in your tracks when you heard a whistle. "Looking hot." followed the whistle.

The voice was coming from behind you. You quickly turned around to see who the fuck that was because you were sure that you didn't let anyone in the whole day.

"Hi." Said the man in a three piece suit. He looked posh and expensive. Except for the fact that he had long hair, which totally ruins the poshness he had going.

"What the- who the fuck are you?" You asked him.

You see him tilt his head and give you a frown- no he gave you a pouty face. What the fuck is this man on? You thought.

"You've forgotten me already? I thought you knew me very well." He said.

You stood in silence, confused by his words. You stare at the floor, still not understanding what he's trying to say.

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