Author's note ♡

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Like I promised on my tiktok, I'll publish the Sanzu smut in 3-5 days!

Honestly I think I was kinda in a writer's block because I was thinking about how it might sound repetitive if you read my Rindou smut then my Sanzu smut. So I gave this smut a more light hearted tone to it.

I hope you guys don't mind the long intro. I wanted to make it seem "realistic" as possible. (Like i know its not realistic but like i wanna give a reason why the heck would some agree with Sanzu's crazy deal lol)

But yeah! I might take a break from writing but I assure y'all that I do have some ideas for other fanfics.

Atm I'm thinking if I should write a series kinda type like multiple chaptered story? But Idk y'all tell me if you guys would like that.

Of course, the obligatory "I didn't proof read this" because I really didn't LMAO it's the 5th day today and I really wanna put it out for y'all so yeah! I'll check and correct any mistakes later.

And idk if I'll be drawing a fanart for this but maybe I will lol

Stay updated and idk read my public diary???

Love you guys so much and thank you for everything!!!

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