Chapter 7

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I run out onto the balcony and climb onto the ledge beside it. Using the divets in the wall between the bricks I cling on for dear life as I try to climb down from the 4th story balcony.

'Thank god I'm not afraid of heights' I try to convince myself as I climb down.

I reach the second story when the guards rush out onto the balcony.

"There she is!" One of them yells pointing at me.

"Shit!" I exclaim

They start shootings at me with one of the bullets nicking my leg causing me to loose my grip.

I try to cling on to the wall but I lost my footing and fell.

I try to land on my feet but I ended up going over on my ankle, breaking one of the heels on my shoes. Today is just not my day.

I run into the courtyard, heading towards the gates. I shoot the guards at the gate and run out.

I head towards the the city centre hoping to lose the guards in the large crowds.

I run into a department store and grab the first pair of trainers I could find not bothering to check the size. I was okay at running in heels, but running in broken heels with a sprained ankle and a wounded leg, was torture sent from Satan himself.

I shoved on the trainers and rip the tags off. Looking around I look for some form of jacket to hide my blood stained shirt, I see a black hoodie hanging nearby and grab it off the rail not checking the size.

I see one of the workers heading towards me so I bolt off into the crowds, leaving my heels behind. I began weaving in and out of the crowds, trying to destroy any attempts to follow me. I reach the Main Street and hail a taxi.

"Where to?" He asked from the driver's seat.

"56 South Avenue, please." I say breathlessly from all the running.

He looks back at me, studying my bust lip and god knows whatever else happened to my face.

"Right..." he says suspiciously but drives on anyway.

We arrive at the house and I take out the 20 I keep in my phone case to pay the driver.

"No, no you keep it." He says gently, pushing my hand away.

I look at him confused. 

"I don't know who did that to you but he doesn't deserve you anyway, you seem like a nice girl." He says and then the penny dropped. He thought I was running away from a boyfriend who hit me. He thought I was being abused. Aww bless his little cotton socks.

I would correct him but I simply don't have the time.

"Thank you." I say grateful and climb out of the car.

I run inside the house and run to my room grabbing my 'in case of emergency' bag I keep under my bed. In this bag there was everything: clothes, money, bank cards,a new identity, fake passports and documents, a few packets of cocaine and a few grams of weed I could sell if i was desperate, a knife, guns and a burner phone. I shove the crown in the bag and change into some new clothes. Walking into the bathroom I had to do a double take at myself in the mirror.

"God" I gasp at the stare of my face. I have a bust lip and my nose seems to have bled a bit aswell, my cheek was pretty bruised and I had a cut above my eyebrow that was definitely going to need stitches.

I grab the first aid kit and try to patch up what I can, covering the bruises on my face in makeup. When I looked down at my leg that got shot, it wasn't as bad as I thought. It wasn't shot, just a nasty gash where the bullet had grazed the surface. Applying antiseptic and bandaging it up,I swallow two painkillers to help soothe the pain.

I rush out to the garage and unlock Tanner's old car. When Tanner died, he didn't have a will, so I kept his house and car. I never had much use for the car seeing as I failed my driving test 5 times, after the fifth I just gave up. I can drive pretty good but I have a nasty habit of speeding and ignoring road signs.

I shove my bag on the passenger seat and speed off the the airport. I had to leave England, there's no way I could stay. It would be like signing my own death sentence. Turning on the radio for some distraction, I take the longest route to the airport, constantly checking my rear view mirror to see if I'm being followed.

Pulling into a parking space at the airport I pull put my phone.

To: Mitch,
Got caught have to flee the country. Talk to you soon. X

I pressed send, grab my bag and walk towards the airport.I reset my phone, deleting all my contacts, photos, emails and texts before dropping it in the bin going into the airport. I was a bit pissed at deleting my photos, I had really good nudes on that phone and they didn't get to be appreciated as much as they should have. Fucking men.

Looking up at the departure board I make out the next flight is to New York from this airport. It'll have to do. I walk up to the front desk and the woman smiles at me.

"Hi, can I get a ticket to New York please?" I ask her sweetly.

"Yea of course can I just see your passport please?"

I hand her my fake passport with the fake identity I made a few years ago. The woman types a few things into a computer and hands me my documents back.

"Alright that will be £806 please." She says holding out the card machine. I didn't expect the flight to be so expensive, sheesh.

" Um can I pay in cash, please?" I say, not wanting to leave a trail that could be traced. Fishing the wad of cash out of my bag, her eyes widened at the size of it.

"Yea sure that'll be £806," she says opening the till.

I hand her the cash and get my ticket, walking towards my terminal seeing as my bag qualified as a carry on, discreetly looking around to see if I'm being followed. 

Boarding the plane I shove my bag in the overhead locker and take my seat by the window. I was utterly exhausted and somehow managed to get the entire row to myself. The plane began to take off and I felt sleep coming over me and just like that, I drifted off to sleep.

"Excuse me, Miss?" The stewardess taps my shoulder waking me up somehow.

"Huh? What?" I say confused at my abrupt awakening.

"Would you like to order any food?" She asks, pointing to the food cart in the aisle.

"Um yea, I'll have a sandwich please," I tell her, ordering the first thing I saw on the cart.

She gives me that sandwich and moves on to the people behind me. I look at the label on my sandwich 'chicken' it read, I think. Reading is not my strong suit. I wolfed the sandwich down and settled back into my seat, driving back to sleep again.

I woke up when the captain announcing through the loudspeaker that we'll be landing soon.

I get off the plane and I'm immediately freezing my tits off. Since when was New York cold? Gossip girl lied to me. Pulling my jacket tighter around me I walk towards the airport trying to think of a plan.

I check into a hotel for the night and go straight to sleep. It wasn't one of the fancy hotels but it wasn't exactly luxurious but it was a bed and a shower so I dealt with it.

I guess I live in New York now?

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