Chapter 52

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Eros D'Amica's POV

"I made you into a weapon," Tanner says plainly.

"I gave your life purpose and now I'm asking you to join me."

"Join you for dinner? Sure but you're paying." Seraphina joked sarcastically, she looks really uncomfortable with the situation as she desperately tried to change the subject, one thing I've learnt from Seraphina in the handful of times I've had a serious conversation with her is that she'll do anything to avoid it so her lack of maturity is unsurprising right now.

"Join me in The Origin!" Tanner snaps at her impatiently

I can't begin to imagine what is going through her head right now. The man she idolised and who's death she mourned is standing right infront of her.

"I can give you the world, you will have power beyond your wildest dreams, anything you want at your fingertips. You want power Seraphina, I can see it in your eyes. It's what drives you to your extremes, it's what puts the spring in your step and the pack in your punches." Tanner tries to persuade her. There was a dangerous glint in his eye which put me on edge.

I really don't like this guy. He's a fifty something year old man who has an obsession for a twenty one year old girl. The thought of them having a history crosses my mind, this man is old enough to be her father...she's got some serious fucking daddy issues going on under the surface but I've decided that they're not bad enough to fuck Tanner Jacobs.

But they're bad enough to fuck me apparently.

I notice that Seraphina is still holding her gun at him but is beginning to lower it as he speaks to her.

"Join me and we'll rule the world together." He says with a smile as he holds out his hand for her.

I can see her mind is going a milllion miles an hour trying to make the decision. So this is why she looks like when she's thinking? It's a nice surprise to see her thinking about something for once, instead of jumping in, guns blazing like her little stunt yesterday.

Seraphina is a survivor, I've learnt that now. She does what she has to do to survive and if a better option with protection comes her way, she'll take it.

If she joins The Origin, god knows what they'll make her do. It'll turn her into the weapon that Tanner is claiming that she is. I won't let that happen to her. I can't, I highly doubt anyone would survive her wrath.

"Seraphina don't do it!" I call out to her as I fight the men holding me.

"It's nothing personal pretty boy." She says flatly as she takes Tanner's hand.

The audience cheers wildly as more men come onto the stage to restrain me.

Alessio pipes up.

"Shoot him." He tells her.

I mentally roll my eyes at him. He's like a lost puppy and Tanner is his owner. He's fucking pathetic.

She looks to Tanner for permission and he nods as he takes a step back to observe.

She walks up to a decent shot distance and aims her gun at my head. I try to fight the men holding me down.

She's going to do it. She's finally going to be the death of me.

She gives me a wink and smiles.

She quickly turns around and shoots Alessio. Good riddance. I can't say I'll miss Seraphina's fake husband.

"NOW!" She screams and some of the men that were blocking mine open fire on the audience along with some members from the audience and some of the men holding me down. All hell breaks loose.

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