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- A L E K S -

At that moment every face in the warehouse turns from fear to shock then back to fear again. They all were staring at one person in particular and I can't help but wonder why. I notice Victorias eyes on Seamus and feel a pang of sympathy for that one.

I'd done a lot to her, and now by the looks of it I've furthered my mistakes.

Slowly people start to wake up to the realization. Feet start shuffling even though faces are masks of shock. Then all at once people aren't zombies their running toward people, and voices are raised far above usual speaking tones.

I look at Crystal unsure of what we'd done, but she stands proud of it. I gulp unsure whether this was right or not but deciding it was bound to happen eventually just not in the way that was going to abruptly turn into a shit storm.

"This was a bad idea...", I whisper to Crystal. She gives me a look as if I'm crazy and shakes her head in disagreement.

"It was a good idea. They were figuring it out slowly, we just helped them out.", she says. I nod trying to reassure myself it'd be fine. As I continue to watch though my heart sinks and my stomach flops seeing people who obviously had something, but knew nothing about this stand face to face with one another. It was rather heart wrenching to see devastated faces, and tear filled eyes from most people.

The whole time though, Mandi and James stand in the corner looking as if they're plotting something. I keep a close watch on them almost expecting Mandi to advance on me with the gun she was clenching in her hand.

Some how she restrains herself though, settling for glares directed my way while I watch couples face each other, guilt arising inside me as I realize I didn't know what would happen after they found out.

- D A K O T A -

Looking at the row of boys I search for a familiar faces, going down the line. Then I spot a familiar face that makes my jaw drop.


He looks at me with wide eyes while I look at him in the same fashion. His arms envelope me in a hug, and I stand there confused.

"Jordan?", I say my voice faltering.

"Yes Dakota?", he asks looking at me. Questions arise in my mind, but there's so many I can't keep my head straight as I look at him in front of me. Jordan was the same as me, but for how long? Did he care? Did he already know and if so how? These and other questions flock my mind as I look at him still in shock.

"You have questions don't you?", he asks.

"Yeah.", I confirm with a small nod.

"Hit me.", he says confidently, not afraid at all.

"How did you know or did you know..", I say the air leaving my lungs. Suddenly I was afraid for the answers to my questions. The main thing that terrified me was that he might have just been using me for information.

"Aleks and Crystal showed us a photograph of all you guys...I didn't believe it, but I guess I shouldn't have doubted it. I'm not really surprised though, you seem like a badass leader too.", Jordan says, and I can't help but blush at little at the compliment.

"How long ago was this?", I ask glancing at Crystal who was beyond in deep shit. Jordan bites his lip for a moment trying to recall how long ago. His pause to thing worries me even more.

"A few days ago, it wasn't very long ago. Did you know?", he asks.

"I didn't have any fucking clue.", I chuckle. Jordan smiles and shrugs.

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