So... That's it?

76 3 10

August 17, 2021 | Tuesday


Hey Guys

I just wanted to drop in here and thank everyone who's still giving my book a chance. Thank you to all those readers adding BlackBiirds to their reading lists', those still voting, those still reading through.

Thank you, thank you, thank you


My writing has been a consistent source—one of the truest and most genuine pieces happiness in my life.
I was actually about to come on here and unpublish the entire thing, only leave like the first 5 chapters up as a teaser. (Well I did take them down, then republished them.)

I am working with an editor to really polish this up, once and for all. It's time. It has BEEN time.

There is a Book Two that follows BlackBiirds, entitled Kiindreds.

It is on pause, as of now, since book one still needs attention. Also, I'm hoping that I can learn as much as possible with the editing process, so that when I'm ready to dedicate my full time to book two, my writing will be even better. More crisp, precise, and won't need so much editing after it's done.

So. I'm saying all this to say:

I'm leaving the older version of BlackBiirds up here (for now)

Scenes have been rewritten: some stuff taken out, some stuff added inthis is not the final version.

It is being professionally edited. And when I'm ready to go forth with publishing, it may be taken down.

It is LEGALLY & OFFICIALLY copyrighted 💜 (depending on how many changes I'll make after the editing, I may copyright the final version as well)

I want to post book two on here. But I'm not sure yet... We'll see...


So uh... Yeah. That's all.

Thanks again to everyone for your support. I'll be back on here to update when I have the time.

💃🏽 ✌🏽 😎

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