-°~Sickening Love~°-

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Word count: 2,222

Iida x Izuku

!Angst Warning!
No one's POV:

Izuku coughed vigorously as he tried to regain he's breath back, he had just been choked and couldn't get out of he's hold, it hurt so much, but not physically as you might think, but it hurt he's heart.

"Oh~ My dear little star~" he's boyfriend, Iida said as he walked over to him

"S-Stay back!" Izuku yelled in a fruitless attempt in getting Iida to stay away.

He chuckled darkly "But why?~ I thought you loved it when I touched you~ Gave your body attention~" Iida said sickeningly lust filled, he was teasing him, toying with him and he's feelings.

"SHUT UP!" Immediately Izuku regretted he's choice of words when Iida's whole demeanor changed.

What used to be playful and lust filled was now anger and seriousness that screamed danger, maybe even more dangerous then before but ether way it scared Izuku beyond anything else.

Slowly, almost painfully slow Iida began to make he's way over to Izuku, the narrow alley way he ran into in am attempt to get away from Iida that he'd hoped would be he's saviour was now the very thing that would bring him to he's end.

Izuku tried to back away from him, but he only ended up sealing he's fate further, and when he's back hit the wall he knew that.

Soon enough Iida was right In front of him, he crouched down right in front of him "Oh Izuku" he started as he held Izuku's cheek, which made Izuku flinch at the contact "My poor sweet Izuku... if you were anyone else I would've killed you, you know? But... Honestly I don't wanna lose you" Iida said as he gazed at Izuku lovingly

This only made Izuku cry harder, he loved Iida with all he's heart, he really did, he never would've thought it'd be Iida, he never thought the traitor would be one of the most driven people in UA, he wished he knew what pushed him to this.

"Oh don't cry my dear~ Soon enough you'll be safe, I'll just need you too..." Iida said with a smile as he brought he's hand down to Izuku's neck "Sleep." Iida tightened he's grip on Izuku's neck making Izuku's let out a choked sop as he gasped for air and clawed at Iida's hand.

"I-Iida please-" Izuku begged as as he gasped for air.

"Shut up Izuku. It'll be over soon" Iida demanded as he waited for the greenette to fall unconscious.

And soon enough he was.


"Your fucking crazy you know that? You could've just use chloroform or hit a pressure point, you didn't have to choke him" Dabi said with an anoyed expression as he checked over the greenette for injuries

You see once Izuku had been successfully knocked out Iida checked pulse before bringing him to Dabi, who was surprisingly good when it came to injuries and therefore he was brought to Dabi, who being the protective older brother he is one look at Izuku's unmoving beat body he was quick to act.

So now Iida was getting heavily lectured.

He simply rolled he's eyes "He was up against a wall and I didn't have any chloroform on me, it was what came to mind. Though I can agree it wasn't one of my brighter ideas" Iida said, he was feeling a bit quietly about hurting he's beloved more then what was necessary.

"Wasn't one of your brighter ideas- Bitch your lucky he's still alive!" Dabi yelled getting more aggravated by the second, he wouldn't admit it out loud but he was protective of the greenette, why? Becouse he was there for Shoto when he wasn't, and him being the big brother he is he's more grateful for that then anything.

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