Part 4

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Smokescreen had a great finish, he knew that and even after the mission, he still looked handsome.

It certainly had been a tough mission and he had to get patched up later for sure, but Smokescreen didn’t care. He had gone out, got some fresh air and kicked Decepticon skid-plates. What else did he want?

Maybe a bit praise, that certainly wouldn’t hurt. He was on his way to Optimus Prime’s office to report and debrief the mission. Once he arrived, he knocked on the door.

‘Come in,” Optimus’ voice sounded from inside the room. Smokescreen stepped inside the office walking straight to the desk where the Prime was seated.

“Hello, Smokescreen,” Optimus greeted. “Hi, Optimus!” the young soldier greeted back,” I brought the report of the latest mission.” Optimus nodded,” Very good, Smokescreen.”

Smokescreen blushed as he gave the datapad to Optimus. He always felt gooey inside when the Prime would give him a compliment. He liked getting compliments.

Smokescreen stood silent at Optimus’ side, as he read the report, occasionally glancing at the Prime’s faceplates. “Good job, Smokescreen,” Optimus said, turning to the young soldier.

“I did?” Smokescreen asked uncertain,” Nothing was missing? Did I put in enough details?” Optimus chuckled and pulled Smokescreen in his lap. “You did well on the report,” Optimus said.

Before Smokescreen had the chance to ramble again, Optimus pressed his lipplates to Smokescreen’s. Softly squealing in surprise, Smokescreen stared in shock at his leader.

 His idol was kissing him…

His idol was kissing him…

His idol was kissing him.

What does he do now?

Pull away?

Kissing back sounded a lot better.

Smokescreen began to kiss back. Optimus flicked out his glossa, licking Smokescreen’s bottom lip. Smokescreen opened his mouth and let the Prime’s glossa in. They softly battled each other. Optimus’ servos moved over Smokescreen’s backplating.

“I noticed you’re good in other things too,” Optimus said, when they separated. Smokescreen blushed, at a complete loss of words. Optimus pecked him on his lipplates.

“Go,” the Prime said,” get some energon, rest, you’ve earned it.” Smokescreen nodded and climbed off his lap. “Uh,” Smokescreen said, when he was at the door,” See ya.” Optimus chuckled as he closed the door.

“Later, Smokescreen.”




The loud noises continued. Smokescreen and Bulkhead were sparring in the mainroom. Ratchet was in his medbay and the others were off base. Smokescreen was a lot faster, so he used it to his advances. Bulkhead was big and strong, so not easily taken down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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